Chapter 5

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Dinah frowned as she stood in the doorway of the room Camila was supposed to be in. However, the Cuban wasn't there.

"She's gone, hasn't she?" Abby asked from behind Dinah. She huffed in annoyance. "You know what? I don't care anymore. I tried but that girl is too fucking stubborn and doesn't understand."

Sighing, Dinah turns to look at Abby. "Camila has always been stubborn, no matter what happened."

"She's going to get herself killed eventually." Abby shook her head. "I can't deal with her anymore."

"Please don't give up on her, she looks up to you." Dinah says softly, wrapping her arms around herself. "She's trying to make up for what she's done."

"Looks up to me." Abby scoffed. "She doesn't listen to me."

"You remind her of her mom, she never listened to Sinu either. But she always made up for it." The younger girl responds softly.

Abby shook her head. "She's reckless. She needs to learn."

"Then help me do something about it." Dinah responds, looking into Abby's eyes. "She'll never learn if you give up."

"I gave her one task, stay in bed and she disobeyed me." Abby said.

Dinah sighed, and shook her head before stepping back. "Everyone always gave up on her when we were growing up."

"She's a great kid but she'll get us all killed if she's not careful." Abby ran her fingers through her hair and tugged it. "She's got this obsessive need to protect everyone."

"Jimmy Lee, he was a kid in our neighborhood that was killed when we were in middle school." Dinah responds softly. "Camila always said if we had more protection, then he never would've died."

"She can't physically protect everyone, it's not possible. Rick, Daryl, and I are supposed to do it." Abby was really stressed.

Nodding her head, Dinah takes a deep breath. "Then we've gotta scare her."

"Scare her?" Abby asked, frowning.

"Make her think that she got someone killed." The Polynesian responds with a shrug.

A wave of realisation hit Abby. "Who's the one person she cares about more than anything in the entire world?"

"Lauren." Dinah responds immediately.

"So we get Lauren in on it." Abby nodded.

Nodding her head, Dinah thinks for a minute before a massive grin grows on her lips. "We need Raven in on it too, she can make it look realistic. Her makeup skills can make it seem like Lauren was bit, and then all we need is some walker guts to make it seem like Lauren was ripped open."

Abby nodded. "I'll speak to Raven, you get Lauren."

Six hours later.

Camila walks into the mansion with a large smile on her lips, she had hit the jackpot at the baby store and walmart, managing to fill the largest of their vehicles completely with supplies.

Her smile drops when she finds everyone in the living room crying. "W-what happened?"

"See for yourself." Jasper said. "Looks like your girl wasn't strong enough."

Camila's heart drops as soon as she sees Lauren laying on the floor, her shirt ripped open along with her abdomen. The older girl had a very prominent and bloody bite on the side of her neck along with a bullet hole between her eyes.

"No, no!" Camila rushed over and dropped down beside Lauren, bursting into tears as she pulls Lauren's limp body into her arms.

"I'm sorry, Camila." Raven said. "I had to shoot her."

Camila doesn't respond, holding Lauren to her chest and sobbing harder.

"This happened because you left the gate open. A walker got in. Her blood is on you." Raven said.

Burying her face in Lauren's shoulder, Camila begins rocking them. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She sobbed out.

Dinah moved to Camila and pulled her away from Lauren.

Daryl and Rick dragged Lauren out of the room.

"No!" Camila yelled, struggling out of Dinah's arms and falling to her knees.

Grabbing her gun from its holster, Camila holds it up to her temple, continuing to sob.

"No!" Dinah grabbed the gun and pulled it from her hands. "It's not worth it. She's not worth it."

"Give it back." Camila sobs out weakly, reaching for the gun. "I'm nothing without her."

"You're right, Camila you're nothing without her but you're the reason she's dead." Dinah said. "Don't you understand that you can't protect everyone?"

Camila's head was spinning and she was beginning to have trouble breathing.

"Let Abby, Rick, and Daryl lead." Dinah said.

The Cuban couldn't respond as she gasped for breath.

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