Chapter 22

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Camila struggled to watch the movie when all she wanted to do was make love to Octavia, her hands clenching and unclenching on the bed.

Octavia was completely engrossed in the movie, the expression on her face changing every few minutes. She cried when the ship began to sink.

Biting her lip, Camila turns and cups Octavia's cheek. "Hey," she whispers, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.

"Hi." Octavia sniffed and wiped her eyes.

Rubbing her thumb against Octavia's cheek, Camila can't help but smile softly. "You're so beautiful."

Octavia blushed and bit her lip.

Using her thumb, Camila pulls Octavia's bottom lip from her teeth and leans in to kiss her gently.

Octavia hesitated before slowly kissing Camila back.

Keeping the kiss gentle, Camila caresses her cheek and smiles.

The sound of someone screaming on the television caused them to jump away from each other in surprise. They both let out a nervous giggle.

Turning her attention to the tv, Camila  frowns upon seeing Jack giving up his spot on the door so Rose can survive. "Idiot, it's big enough for both of them."

Octavia turned her head to look a the screen. "Maybe he doesn't want to live."

"Why wouldn't he want to live?" Camila asks with a confused frown on her lips.

Octavia shrugged. "He's poor. He's not really got anything going for him - except Rose."

"But if I was in his place and you were Rose, I would want to live with you." The younger girl responds, looking into Octavia's eyes.

Octavia shrugged. "She's not exactly the nicest person in the world. He could do so much better."

Shrugging, Camila leans in and kisses her once more.

Octavia hesitated, she looked into Camila's eyes.

Camila pulls away and looks into Octavia's eyes, forcing herself to smile. "I don't want to hurt you."

"And I don't want to get hurt." Octavia said slowly, she looked down at her hands.

"Maybe we should talk about things." The younger girl says softly.

"Talk about things?" Octavia echoed, she nodded slowly.

Sitting up better, Camila turns off the tv and turns to face Octavia. "I'm extremely in love with you, but I still love them. My first thought is always of you but that doesn't mean I don't think of them too. And now, Lexa and Lauren are pregnant with my baby."

"They are?" Octavia's heart sank. "Is that why Lauren's in the infirmary?"

Nodding her head slowly, Camila takes a deep breath. "I didn't know about Lauren's pregnancy until I got back."

"But you knew about Lexa's and you still left." Octavia shook her head.

"I was only supposed to be gone a week maybe two. I needed to figure things out and then I started getting us supplies." Camila responds softly, looking into her eyes.

"When you say 'figure things out' what do you mean?" Octavia asked.

Running a hand through her hair, Camila takes a deep breath. "You told me to come back to you when I figured things out."

Octavia frowned. "I did?" She shook her head again. "I don't remember that."

"When I told you about my relationships with the other girls." Camila responds, looking down.

"Oh. But you haven't figured things out. You're still in love with them." Octavia said, she stood up.

Pain immediately fills Camila's eyes and she stands up as well. "Don't leave."

Octavia began to pace around the room. This was stressing her out. "You didn't figure things out. You're still in love with them." She repeated.

"But I want you." Camila breathes out.

"You can't have me and still be in love with them. It doesn't work that way." Octavia shook her head as she paced.

Running a hand through her hair, Camila takes a deep breath. "I'll leave them. I want you and only you."

Octavia stopped in her tracks. She turned her head to look at Camila. "You can't do that. I know you can't." She spat. "You love them too much but if you truly loved me. You wouldn't have dragged me into this."

Stepping closer, Camila cups Octavia's cheek. "I'll do anything to keep you. I love you so much." The younger girl breathes out.

Octavia stepped back. "You can't love us all."

"I'll leave them." Camila says immediately, looking into Octavia's eyes.

"You and I both know you can't do that. You love them too much." Octavia said, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Shaking her head, Camila steps forward and wipes Octavia's tears away. "I will, I'll do it."

"You can't!" Octavia cried.

"I have too!" Camila breathes out. "I can't lose you."

"And you can't lose them!" Octavia shook her head.

Swallowing thickly, Camila fights back tears, pulling Octavia closer. "Please."

Octavia shook her head. "You need to sort your head out."

The younger girl started to panic, her breathing coming out faster. "Don't leave me."

"I can't stay and get hurt." Octavia whispered.

Camila began gasping as her panic rose and she struggled to catch her breath.

Octavia just stared at Camila, she was too hurt to calm her down.

"I'm sorry." Camila gasped out, backing up until she's at the bed.

Tears fell down Octavia's cheeks. "Get yourself sorted out." She sobbed before running out of the guard tower and into the snow.

Collapsing onto the bed, Camila completely broke down.

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