Chapter 7

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A soft groan escaped Camila as she began to wake up, she couldn't explain the pain in her foot, or her head. In fact her entire body felt like it was on fire.

She turned her head weakly and could just make out Clarke across the room. She could see a large cut on the side of her face. It looked painful.

The blonde seemed to be fine other than the cut, walking and talking.

Camila shifted on the bed and screamed out suddenly in pain.

Clarke flinched, her eyes widening before she dropped down beside Camila.

The younger girl was losing focus, black dots filling her line of sight.

"C-cami?" Clarke whispered. "I'm sorry. This is my fault. "

The younger girl completely loses focus and falls unconscious once more.

When she wakes next, she can hear multiple people arguing; Clarke, Lexa, Dinah, Lauren, Normani, Ally, and even Abby.

"Stop arguing, this is getting us nowhere!" Clarke yelled.

Groaning softly, Camila weakly lifts a hand to her head. "Stop shouting."

"Thank god you are okay." Ally said.

Fully opening her eyes, Camila looks around the room at everyone. "Why are you fighting?"

"Doesn't matter right now." Ally said, she moved some of Camila's hair out of her face.

Clarke was suddenly sick in the trashcan in the corner of the room.

Blinking slowly, Camila tries to adjust to the light. "What happened?"

"You and Clarke fell off the guard tower. You broke your leg and Clarke has a severe concussion." Lexa explained, rubbing Clarke's back as she held the blonde's hair back.

Camila's head falls slightly to the side and she takes a shaky deep breath. "My head and back hurt a lot."

Abby moved over and gave Camila some pain relief.

Slowly, Camila's eyes close again and she loses consciousness.

"What are we going to do?" Lexa mumbled as Camila came round again.

"I don't know." Abby says sadly. "She may have to leave Alexandria."

"Leave?" Lexa frowned. "Why?"

"Rick and I have talked with Deanna and we agreed, Camila is a danger to herself and those who reside here." Abby responds.

Camila took a slow deep breath and opened her eyes. "I'm sorry." She mumbles weakly.

"But she can't protect herself alone out there." Lexa said. "What about the babies she's got on the way?"

Abby shrugs, "My hands are tied." She says before leaving the room.

Slowly, Camila begins to sit up, ignoring the wave of nausea. She didn't expect to find all of the girl's in the room once again.

"Cami, please lie down." Clarke pleaded.

Lifting her head, Camila looks at Clarke before glancing around the room. "Who did I get pregnant besides Lexa and Dinah?" She asks weakly.

Lauren bit her lip. "Me." She said quietly.

"Anyone else?" She asks, wrapping an arm around her ribs as she feels a sharp pain.

Clarke cleared her throat. "Me, I think."

Nodding her head, Camila glances toward Ally. "I didn't somehow magically get you pregnant did I?" She asks jokingly.

Ally shook her her. "Hell no."

Chuckling slightly, Camila then looks at Normani. "What about you?"

"Definitely not." Normani shook her head.

"Thought I'd make sure." The younger girl mumbles before laying back down.

"You should get some rest." Ally said softly.

Camila was already out as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Ally sighed. "If she goes, y'all will be raising your babies alone."

"What do we do then?" Dinah asks, leaning against Normani tiredly.

Ally shrugged. "I don't know. It's not like we know her very well, she's changed."


A soft groan escapes Camila as she wakes up once more, this time, she's alone. Except, for the warm body pressed against her side.

"Clarke," she mumbles softly, rubbing the blonde's hip.

Clarke mumbled something in her sleep, burying her face in Camila's shoulder.

"Clarke, wake up." Camila says, gently shaking the older girl.

Clarke groaned. "What?" She muttered. "M'comfy."

"My arm is going numb." The younger girl says softly, tilting her head so that she can look into tired blue eyes.

Clarke shifted and released Camila's arm. "Better?"

Nodding her head, Camila takes a deep breath and pulls Clarke close, leaning up slightly and kissing the older girl.

Clarke hummed, smiling slightly.

Cupping her cheek, Camila deepens the kiss, her other hand moving to rest on Clarke's stomach.

Clarke's eyes fluttered closed and she relaxed into Camila's touch.

Their kiss quickly becomes heated, Camila's hand sliding under Clarke's shirt.

Someone clearing their throat caused them to pull away.

Clearing her throat, Camila shifts Clarke's leg to hide her erection before looking at Abby.

"How are you feeling, Camila?" Abby asked.

"Like I've been asleep for a long time." Camila responds, biting her lip when Clarke moves her leg against her erection.

"You've been asleep for two weeks." Abby said. "I'm here to assess you."

"Any chance you can leave for like fifteen-twenty minutes?" The brown eyed girl asks, her eyes darkening as Clarke moves her leg again.

"Unfortunately, not. I have to do it now." Abby said, taking a seat beside the bed.

Groaning, Camila looks at her and takes a deep breath. "I really need you to leave the room."

Abby shook her head. "Nope."

The Cuban mumbles something under her breath in Spanish, shifting away from Abby and wincing in pain.

Clarke sat up. "You speak Spanish?" She asked.

"Si," Camila responds, looking up at Clarke, flinching when Abby begins touching her injured leg.

"Relax. I won't hurt you." Abby said.

Closing her eyes, Camila forces herself to relax, clenching her fists when Abby touches a particularly painful part of her leg.

Clarke ran her fingers through her hair. "Would you teach me?" She asked.

Nodding her head, Camila releases a shaky breath. "Are you done yet?"

"Nope." Abby said, writing something in her notepad.

Camila growls lowly under her breath, clenching her fists again.

Abby rolled her eyes. "Stop acting like such a brat."

"I'm sorry if I'm in so much fucking pain!" Camila snaps out, pain burning in her eyes.

"I'll give you pain relief once I'm done." Abby said calmly.


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