Chapter 9

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Camila was walking patrol when she was pulled behind the building, her eyes widening when she sees Normani.

"Mani?" She asks softly.

Normani swallowed thickly. "I'm pregnant."

The younger girl's eyes widen and she cups Normani's cheek, looking her in the eyes. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes." Normani said, releasing a shaky breath.

Backing her into the wall gently, Camila captures her lips in a slow and passionate kiss.

Normani was surprised at first but she eventually began to kiss Camila back.

Deepening the kiss, Camila moves closer to Normani and lifts her up, leaning her against the wall.

Normani pulled out of the kiss. "You're not mad?" She asked.

"No." Camila breathes out, burying her face in Normani's neck and holding her against the wall.

"You should continue your patrol."  Normani said.

Camila puts her down, grabbing her hand. "Come with me?"

Normani sighed. "I'm supposed to be helping Abby. I was on my break."

"Oh, okay." The younger girl says softly.

Normani kissed Camila's cheek and walked back to the infirmary.

Continuing her patrol, Camila bites her lip. She needed to get more baby supplies.

She focused her attention on patrolling the area.

"Camila! The new girl's awake!" Luca ran up to her.

Making her way into the building, Camila makes the guards rebarricade the door before heading to the infirmary.

The girl was curled up in the corner of her room, shaking with fear.

"Quinn, you're okay, you're safe." Camila says softly, kneeling down in front of her.

Quinn flinched, eyeing Camila suspiciously. "H-how.... H-how do you know my name?"

"Your aunt, she is the doctor here." Camila says softly, holding out a granola bar.

"Aunt?" Quinn reached out slowly to take the granola bar, her hand shaking.

Nodding her head, Camila smiles softly. "Yes, your aunt. Her name is Abby Griffin."

Quinn nodded, wrapping her arms around her legs. Her face was covered in scars and she had a massive bruise on her forearm. Her clothes were ripped and her hair was a mess.

Offering her a bottle of water, the older girl shifts slightly. "Quinn, why don't we get you a change of clothes?"

Quinn swallowed and slowly took the bottle of water. She took a small sip.

"Octavia, we need clothes for her." Camila commands, looking toward the young girl.

Octavia nodded. "I'll be right back." She left the room to find Quinn some new clothes.

"Are you hungry? I can have someone make you a meal." Camila asks softly.

Quinn shrugged, she played with the unopened granola bar wrapper nervously.

Standing up, Camila offers her hand to Quinn. "Let's get you cleaned up."

Quinn bit her lip and stared at Camila's hand worriedly.

"I won't hurt you." The older girl says softly.

Quinn swallowed nervously she slowly stood up, her legs shaking. She took Camila's hand with her shaking one.

Slowly, Camila led her into a room they had turned into a shower room. "We found you alone, outside our home. Luca brought you in and your aunt and I worked to keep you alive." She said softly.

Quinn nodded, her eyes sad. "I had to kill him." She whispered.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Camila asked softly as she helped the younger girl strip, gently beginning to wash her off.

Quinn was really skinny, most of her bones were sticking out. "My dad.... he got bit.... I killed him." She whimpered.

"You did what you had to do." The brown eyed girl says softly, gently wiping the dried blood from Quinn's body.

Quinn stared at the floor. "I was alone..... for a long time."

"You're safe now." Camila says, beginning to put shampoo in the blonde's hair.

"Where am I?" Quinn asked sheepishly. "I'm scared." She shook.

"You're with my group, you're safe. I won't let anything happen to you." Camila said softly.

"Cold." She whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself.

"We're almost done." Camila finishes washing Quinn's hair before turning off the water and wrapping her in a towel.

Quinn shivered, her teeth chattering. She was shaking, holding the towel close to her body.

Octavia appeared with the clean clothes and passed them to Camila.

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