Chapter 14

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"Hey," Camila says softly, sitting down beside Clarke and running a hand through Zachary's hair.

"Hi." Clarke turned to look at Camila.

Smiling, Camila leans in and kisses her gently.

Clarke wrapped her arms around Camila's neck.

Their kiss slowly deepens before Camila pulls away and smiles softly. "How is he?"

Clarke shrugged. "I honestly don't know."

Biting her lip, Camila looks at the sleeping four year old before also looking at Leo, not realizing Lexa is in the room.

Clarke sighed and rested her head on Camila's shoulder.

Reaching over, Camila runs her hand through Leo's hair and takes a deep breath.
"We need to find more medicine."

"Medicine? We don't even know what's wrong with them? How can we treat them?" Clarke muttered.

"Abby said it's like a flu." Camila responds.

Leo shifts on the bed and releases a quiet whine. "Mommy,"

"Shh, bud." Lexa took Leo's hand.

The little boy's eyes flutter open and he immediately reaches for Lexa. "Mommy,"

"Shh, bud." Lexa lifted Leo up and held him close.

Curling into her, Leo slowly relaxes, his light green eyes tiredly locked on Camila.

Lexa kissed Leo's head and sighed.

Leo plays with a strand of her long hair, his head resting on her shoulder.

Lexa sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Mommy," Zachary mumbles, shifting in his sleep.

Clarke lifted her head off of Camila's shoulder and bit her lip.

"Mommy," the four year old mumbles again, still sound asleep.

"He's just dreaming." Camila said softly.

Clarke nods her head before laying it back on Camila's shoulder.

Zachary begins shifting more in his sleep before his eyes slowly flutter open. He turned his head to look at Clarke before reaching for her.

Sitting up, Clarke reaches over and lifts him into her arms, holding him close and kissing his forehead.

"Mommy," he mumbles, laying his head on her shoulder.

"Shh." Clarke cooed, she kissed his forehead again.

Relaxing against her, Zachary closes his eyes and slowly falls back asleep.

Clarke held him close.

Standing up, Camila leans down and kisses Zachary's forehead before leaning in and kissing Clarke.

Smiling softly, Camila takes a deep breath before moving over to Lexa who is holding a wide awake Leo.

"Hi." She says softly, looking into Lexa's green eyes.

"I told you to stay away from him, unless you've sorted yourself out." Lexa said bluntly.

"I've stepped down as leader, I don't know what else you want me to do." Camila responds softly, stepping closer to Lexa.

Lexa shifted in her seat and shook her head.

Camila ignores her, only stopping once she's in front of Lexa. Dropping to her knees and bowing her head almost submissively.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lexa frowned in confusion, raising her right brow questioningly.

Slowly, Camila lifts her head and looks into Lexa's eyes. "I will do anything to have you back and to be allowed around my son."

Lexa shook her head. "This is stupid"

Pain fills Camila's eyes and she looks down once more.

Lexa sighed and shook her head. "You need to prove to me that you've changed. You need to prove to me that you won't get yourself killed so you can protect everyone."

Nodding her head, Camila slowly stands up and leaves the room, her head hanging down in defeat.

She slowly walked away from the room, sighing. She ran her fingers through her hair.


Climbing over Normani, Camila keeps their lips together in a slow and passionate kiss.

Normani hummed, her eyes fluttering closed.

Growling into the kiss, Camila becomes rougher, grinding down against Normani.

A breathy moan left Normani's throat.

Pulling away, Camila quickly strips their clothes before crashing their lips together once more.

Normani gasped, sitting up slightly.

Biting down on Normani's bottom lip, Camila pushes her tongue into her mouth and their kiss becomes even more heated.

Normani rolled them over and took control, grinding against Camila.

Moaning, Camila squeezes Normani's hips gently and leans up as their tongues battle for dominance.

Normani tilted her head, moaning into Camila's mouth.

Pulling away, Camila tries to catch her breath, her eyes locked on Normani. "You're so beautiful."

Normani's breath caught in her throat and she rested her forehead against Camila's.

Caressing Normani's hips, Camila leans forward and attaches her lips to Normani's throat.

Normani let out a breathy moan, her hands tangling in Camila's hair.

Sucking gently at the skin beneath her lips, Camila rubs Normani's hips and pulls her closer.

Normani moaned, feeling pleasure building up within her.

Pulling back, Camila looks into Normani's eyes and smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too." Normani breathed out.

Shifting them, Camila lays Normani on her back and begins slowly kissing down her body, attaching her lips to Normani's left nipple.

Normani's breath caught in her throat and she couldn't hold back her moan.

Biting down gently, Camila pulls away with an audible pop. "Mmm," she hums, leaning up and kissing Normani.

Normani moaned into Camila's mouth, grinding up against Camila until she finally felt that rush of pleasure.

Reaching between them, Camila lines her erection up with Normani's entrance and slowly thrusts into her.

Normani gasped, moaning.

Pulling out of the kiss, Camila drops her head to Normani's shoulder and starts a fast yet gentle pace.

Normani's eyes fluttered closed and she moaned.

Camila continues thrusting into Normani, keeping her movements fast yet gentle.

It wasn't long before they both fell over the edge.

Pulling out of Normani, Camila drops onto the bed beside her and tries to catch her breath.

"Wow!" Normani breathed out as she curled into Camila's side.

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