Chapter 10

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"Stop for the night." Camila breathes into the walkie-talkie on her shoulder.

The cars began to pull over to the side of the road, following Camila's instructions.

Turning off the engine, Camila gets off before helping Normani. "We're going to sleep in the mattress truck."

Normani nodded. "You should check on the others."

Kissing her quickly, Camila moves toward the truck the other girls and babies are in.

"You guys okay?" She said looking at them through the open window.

Lauren nods her head tiredly, Paisely sound asleep in her arms.

Lexa was asleep, holding Leo close to her chest.

"She's fussing," Dinah mumbles, trying to calm Peyton while keeping Preston asleep.

Nodding her head, Camila opens the door and takes Peyton into her arms. "Sleep." She says softly, shutting the door and heading for the mattress truck.

"Shh." She cooed to her small daughter, bouncing her until her eyes fluttered closed. She climbed into the truck and sat down beside Normani.

They climbed onto the mattress that was laying down, Camila holding Peyton to her chest. "We need to find a ship."

"A ship?" Normani asked.

"Quinn, get back here!" Abby yelled as Quinn ran away from her to find Camila.

Nodding her head, Camila opens the back of the truck and lets Quinn into the truck before closing it and laying back down.

Quinn curled up beside Camila, shaking. She was absolutely terrified.

Sighing, Camila reaches over and rubs her back gently. "You're fine."

"I saw them." The blonde whimpered.

"Saw who?" Camila asks softly, shifting the baby onto her chest so she can pull Normani closer.

"Them." Quinn rubbed the tears out of her eyes. A quiet sob escaped her lips.

"They can't hurt you anymore." Camila says softly, she was exhausted.

Quinn trembled and nodded slowly. She hadn't realised Normani was there and had just heard everything they said.

"Close your eyes." Camila says, rubbing her back.

Quinn slowly closed her eyes.

Closing her eyes, Camila slowly falls asleep.

When Camila woke up she was surprised to find Quinn curled up beside Normani. The blonde was awake but Normani was still sound asleep.

"Hey," the older girl says softly, sending Quinn a smile.

Quinn lifted her head and sat up expectantly. She pointed to her throat.

"Water?" Camila asks, sitting up with the baby in her arms.

Quinn nodded slowly, pointing to her throat again.

Pulling out a water bottle, Camila passes it to Quinn before opening the back of the truck. "We need to get moving again."

Quinn was too distracted by the water to hear Camila. She gulped it down, clearly thirsty.

Getting out of the truck, she moves over to the car the girls are in. "Hey, we should get moving." She tells Liam who is wide awake.

"We should eat first." Liam said.

Nodding her head, Camila knocks on the back door. "Hey, Peyton's hungry."

"Hmm?" Dinah yawned. She took Peyton from Camila.

"Morning." Camila says softly, leaning in to kiss her.

Dinah kissed her back before pulling away and yawning again.

"We're going to eat and then head on the road." Camila says before kissing Lauren, Lexa, and Clarke.

"Who's making the food?" Lexa asked.

"Octavia and Raven." The younger girl responds.

Lexa nodded. "Tell them they better make something good."

Laughing softly, Camila makes her way over to Raven and Octavia. "Lexa says you need to make something good."

"What can we make? We have no food." Octavia said. "Someone forgot to pack some."

Frowning, Camila points toward the food truck. "I packed it completely."

"We checked, there was nothing there." Octavia frowned.

"That's impossible, I packed the entire food section." Camila says, confusion in her eyes.

Octavia shrugged. "No one was guarding it last night, maybe someone stole the food."

Nodding her head, Camila moves back to Liam. "We have a problem."

"What's the problem?" Liam frowned.

"Someone stole all of our food." Camila says calmly, anger in her eyes. "We need to find more."

"What? Who? How?" Liam was really confused.

Camila sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "I don't know, Matthew and Dante were supposed to guard the truck."

"I haven't seen them since before we left." Liam said.

Frowning, Camila closes her eyes. "I need you to keep the doors locked." She says before disappearing into the mattress truck. "We need to move, now."

Normani looked up. "We are going already? Without food?"

"Someone stole our food, we have to find more." Camila responds.

"Why the hell would someone steal our food?" Normani frowned in confusion.

Sighing, Camila runs a hand through her hair. "I don't know, but we need to move."

Quinn bit her lip, nervously playing with the label on the now empty bottle.


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