Chapter 20

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Two weeks later.

Camila sighs as she lays in her bed, she had taken to sleeping in the guard tower away from everyone else.

She stared up at the ceiling, running her fingers through her hair.

"Hi." Quinn flopped down on the bed beside Camila.

"Hi." Camila responds, rolling onto her side and looking at Quinn.

"What's up?" Quinn turned her head to look at Camila.

The younger girl sighs and rolls back onto her back. "What do you mean?"

"Why have you been sleeping out here?" Quinn asked.

"O and I are on a break and I didn't feel like making her find somewhere else to sleep." Camila responds with a tired yawn.

"You could have slept in Sam and I's room." Quinn said.

The older girl makes a face. "That would be awkward."

"Awkward?" Quinn frowned. "How?" She yawned.

"How about the fact you two have sex when the kids are asleep." Camila responds, rolling her eyes playfully.

"We do not." Quinn crinkled up her nose in disgust.

Laughing, Camila sits up and runs a hand through her hair. "We should go eat breakfast."

"But I'm comfy." Quinn whined.

"And I'm hungry." Camila responds, slowly getting up and stretching. "Thank you." Camila says, making her way out of the guard tower.

"Why are you thanking me?" Quinn tilted her head to the side.

"For coming up, I probably never would have come down." The older girl responds.

Quinn shrugged. "I thought you might need some company."

Opening the door to the tower, Camila tenses upon coming face to face with Octavia. "O," she breathes out.

"Hi," Octavia said. "Can you take Kadence for a while. I haven't slept in three days. I'm exhausted.

Nodding her head, Camila takes the two month old into her arms.

"Thank you." Octavia turned and began making her way back to the main building.

"O!" Camila calls after her, not really sure why she did.

Octavia didn't hear her, she continued to walk away.

Sighing, Camila looks down and takes a deep breath, she really missed Octavia.

"You okay?" Quinn asked softly. She smiled at the baby in Camila's arms.

"I don't know." Camila responds honestly.

Kadence coos softly and kicks her feet, a yawn escaping her.

"You don't know?" Quinn asked.

"No, I feel like I'm losing her." The older girl mumbles.

"You're not losing her." Quinn said. "You're on a break."

Shifting the baby in her arms, Camila begins walking toward the cafeteria. "She won't talk to me."

"Maybe you should try talking to her. Don't let her make the decision to come to you. You're the one who suggested the break. You go to her." Quinn said.

"I've tried, she just walks away every time." Camila responds, running a hand through her hair.

"Oh. Do you want me to try and talk to her?" Quinn asked.

"I'll figure something out." Camila mumbles softly.


Camila looks up when Lexa sits down beside her. "Hey."

"Hi." Lexa sighed.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks softly, tilting her head to the side.

"Nothing." Lexa shrugged.

Shifting, Camila turns to face her fully, Kadence sound asleep in her arms. "Something's bothering you."

"I'm not pregnant." Lexa said bluntly.

"I'm sorry, do you want to try again?" The younger girl asks, knowing how much Lexa wants a baby.

Lexa shrugged. "What's the point? This world is messed up. Why bring another kid into that? It's bad enough that Leo has to grow up in a world like this."

"Can you take her for a minute?" Camila asks, knowing that holding the baby will make Lexa relax.

Lexa hesitated, she slowly held her arms out to take Kadence from Camila.

Passing her the baby, Camila stands up and stretches, her shirt sliding up to reveal toned abdominal muscles.

Lexa looked down at the tiny baby in her arms. She bit her lip.

Bright blue eyes flutter open and lock on Lexa, Kadence releasing a soft coo and smiling.

Lexa sighed, she felt herself calm down.

Shifting, the baby coos again and releases an adorable little squeal.

"She likes you." Camila says, sitting back down and running a hand through her hair.

"You think?" Lexa smiled at the baby.

Nodding her head, Camila holds her arms out for Kadence.

Lexa handed the baby back and sat her hands in her lap, she sighed.

Kadence released a large yawn and closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep.

"You and Octavia make the perfect babies." Lexa sighed.

"So do we, Leo is perfect in my eyes." Camila responds, sending Lexa a soft smile.

"Leo is perfect but he is growing up in such a horrible world." Lexa ran her fingers through her hair.

Sighing softly, Camila moves closer to Lexa and cups her cheek. "He is growing up loved, that is all that matters."

Lexa sighed, she rested her forehead against Camila's.

Smiling softly, Camila nudges their noses together. "Let me know if you want to have a baby."

Lexa wiggled her nose, she closed her eyes.

"I'm going to go lay down, if you want to come with me." Camila says softly, placing a gentle kiss on Lexa's lips.

"I... I was going to ask you if you wanted to go for a walk. It's a beautiful day outside." Lexa shrugged.

Nodding her head, Camila smiles softly. "We can go for a walk if you want."

Lexa nodded, she stood up.

Getting up, Camila follows her outside and they begin walking around the yard. "I'm sorry I left."

"You did what you had to do." Lexa shrugged, she looked up at the sky.

"I thought you guys stopped loving me." Camila says softly, reaching over and grabbing her hand.

"We didn't. We never stopped loving you." Lexa said.

Intertwining their fingers, Camila takes a deep breath. "Do you still want to have a baby?"

"Maybe." Lexa watched the birds dance in the sky above them.

Smiling softly, Camila leads Lexa around the yard for another fifteen minutes before heading toward the guard tower and leading her up the stairs.

"Why are we coming up here?" Lexa asked confused.

Laying Kadence in her bassinet, Camila lays down on her bed and looks up at Lexa. "Take a nap with me?"

Lexa nodded, she sat down and flopped back onto the bed.

Pulling her close, Camila buried her face in the older girl's neck and slowly fell asleep.

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