Chapter 26

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When Camila wakes up, she's in the infirmary again. Taking a deep breath, she attempts to sit up only to have Lexa and Normani push her back down.

"What's going on?" She asks weakly, her voice cracking.

"You ripped your stitches again, Abby isn't letting you leave until you are healed properly." Normani said. "Now just lie down and relax, please."

Relaxing against the bed, Camila takes a deep breath. "I'm thirsty."

Lexa moved to the sink and filled a glass with water before taking it back to the bed.

Sitting up slightly, Camila takes a few gulps before laying back down.

Lexa put the cup beside the bed. "You should sleep."

"I'm not tired." Camila responds, yawning.

"That's a lie." Normani said.

Camila closes her eyes and starts to fall asleep.

Lexa and Normani sighed simultaneously before leaving the room.

"Is she okay?" Octavia asks softly.

"She's tired." Normani said. "She keeps ripping those damn stitches."

Biting her lip, Octavia looks down. "Will she be okay?"

"Who knows anymore." Lexa said.

Sighing, Octavia runs a hand through her hair. "Can you keep checking on her for me?"

"Why don't you check on her yourself?" Normani said, unaware that Octavia had nothing to say to Camila.

"I can't." Octavia says immediately.

"We'll keep checking on her for you." Lexa said, seeing the confused look on Normani's face.

Nodding, Octavia gives them a small smile before walking off.

"I'm going to go lay down for a bit." Lexa informed Normani before heading towards her room.

Kylie and Kian were wide awake in their cribs. Kian fussing slighting and kicking his feet.

Lexa sighed and lay down on the bed.

Kian releases a louder cry.

"Kian, please." Lexa pleaded, covering her face with her hands.

"Lex, that's his hungry cry." Clarke says softly from the doorway.

Lexa sighed and sat up, she ran her fingers through her hair and stood up, lifting Kian into her arms.

The tiny four month old whimpers slightly and nuzzles her chest while his sister starts falling asleep while sucking on a pacifier.

Lexa moved to the bed and sat down. She pulled her shirt down and Kian latched onto her nipple.

Kian sucks roughly at first until he gets into the groove and relaxes.

Lexa closed her eyes, releasing a slow breath.

Moving over to her, Clarke runs a hand through Lexa's hair. "You okay?"

"I'm just tired... tired of everything." Lexa mumbled.

Kian gives a particularly hard suck, tapping his hand against her chest.

"Everything?" Clarke asked, sitting on the bed beside Lexa.

Nodding her head, Lexa winces as Kian's sucks become rough once more. "So much has happened."

"I know." Clarke agreed.

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