Chapter 21

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One week later

Camila shifts on her bed, moving out from under Octavia, the older girl didn't know that she snuck off to the guard tower every night to help Lauren fall asleep.

Octavia hummed, rolling onto her side and curling up.

Getting up, Camila quietly leaves their room, making her way to the guard tower and stripping down to her boxers.

She laid in bed and was just beginning to fall asleep when Lauren joined her.

"Can you just hold me tonight?" Lauren whispered, sliding into the bed.

Nodding, Camila pulls Lauren close and kisses her gently. "Of course."

Lauren curled into Camila's arms, she bit her lip.

"Relax." Camila says softly, rubbing Lauren's hip.

Lauren closed her eyes. "Does Octavia know?"

"Do you want her to know?" The younger girl asks in response.

"You and her are getting married." Lauren sat up. "Technically, this is cheating."

Sighing, Camila sits up and runs a hand through her hair. "She doesn't know about us, but she knows about Lexa and I."

"She should know." Lauren mumbled. "Or this should stop... you're getting married."

"I'll tell her. I mean I have to tell her about me and the other girls anyways." Camila responds, pulling Lauren back into her.

"You should get some sleep." Lauren mumbled. "You can't look tired while walking Quinn down the aisle."

Sighing, Camila just pulls Lauren closer and lays down. "Not until you fall asleep."

"Quinn will kill you if you look tired." Lauren mumbled.

"Then you better hurry up and fall asleep." Camila responds.

Lauren rolled her eyes, she closed her eyes and sighed.

As soon as Lauren is sound asleep, Camila kisses her forehead and climbs out of bed, dressing quickly.

Sneaking back into her and Octavia's room, Camila climbs into bed and flinches when she realizes Octavia is wide awake.

"Hi." The younger girl says softly.

"Where have you been?" Octavia frowned.

Sighing, Camila sits up and runs a hand through her hair. "I was helping Lauren fall asleep."

"Helping her fall asleep?" Octavia asked.

"She hasn't been sleeping well and I've been helping her in different ways for a week." The younger girl responds.

"Oh. Is it the ghosts? Lexa mentioned something about ghosts." Octavia said.

Nodding, Camila turns to face Octavia fully. "We need to talk."

"About what?" Octavia shrugged.

Taking a deep breath, Camila looks into Octavia's eyes. "I've been seeing Clarke, Dinah, Mani, and Lauren as well as Lexa."

"Seeing them?" Octavia sat up.

Nodding, Camila sighs and looks down. "I've been dating them again, and I've slept with Lauren a few times this week." She mumbles.

Octavia swallowed, clenching her jaw. She didn't know what to say.

Taking a deep breath, Camila looks up at her and moves closer. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me."

Octavia shifted. "I-"

Cupping Octavia's cheek, Camila leans their foreheads together. "I'm sorry, I-I don't know how to stop."

A tear fell from Octavia's eyes. "I thought you loved me." She pulled away from Camila and ran out of the room.

Tears filled Camila's eyes before she got up and chased after Octavia, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. "I do love you, so much."

Octavia pulled away and shook her head. "If you loved me, you wouldn't be with them too."

"I could say the same about you being with Anya." The younger girl responds.

"I'm not with Anya." Octavia said, she stepped away from Camila and shook her head. "We're friends, that's it."

Sighing, Camila runs a hand through her hair. "Really because she's been bragging about being with you and fucking you."

"That's a lie!" Octavia shook her head.

Shaking her head, Camila runs a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry, but I won't take it back. I love them and I love you."

"You love that many people at once." Octavia shook her head.

"I can't help it." Camila breathes out, pulling Octavia back into her arms.

A sob left Octavia's mouth.

Caressing her cheek, Camila pulls Octavia into a slow and loving kiss, pouring all of her emotion into it.

Octavia hesitated, she didn't want to get hurt.

After a few minutes, Camila pulls away and leans her forehead against Octavia's. "I'm so sorry baby."

"I don't want to get hurt." Octavia pulled away.

"I know," Camila pulls her close again and kisses her gently. "I want to marry you, but I don't know how to stay away from them."

"You need to figure it out before anything else happens." Octavia walked away.


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