Chapter 12

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Two weeks later.

Camila slowly got better once Abby found the cure for the poison. Once she was better, Camila kicked Pike off the ship, leaving him on a zombie infested island.

"Hey," Camila says softly, wrapping her arms around Lauren's waist.

"Hi." Lauren hummed, leaning back into Camila's arms. She continued to scribble absentmindedly in her sketchpad.

Kissing Lauren's shoulder, Camila leans over her slightly to see what she's drawing.

Lauren bit her lip as she concentrated.

"That's amazing." Camila whispers in her ear.

"It's not. It's a mindless sketch." Lauren muttered, shrugging.

Camila kisses her shoulder again and pulls her close. "I love you."

"I love you too." Lauren hummed.

"I'm going to go check on the other girls." Camila says, pulling away from Lauren.

Lauren turned on her heels. "Did you hear about Quinn? About how she's still sick?"

Nodding her head, Camila tilts her head to the side. "I've been talking to Abby."

Lauren nodded. "Does she know what's wrong with her?"

"Yes." The younger girl says softly.

"What is it?" Lauren asked.

"I can't say." Camila responds, running a hand through her hair.

"Why not?" Lauren frowned.

"It's not my business." The younger girl responds, kissing Lauren quickly.

Lauren grabbed Camila's hand as she pulled away and turned to walk away. "How is it not your business? You're like her sister." She grew increasingly suspicious. She knew Camila knew something.

"Laur, I can't tell you." The younger girl says.

"Why not? I know you know something." Lauren pleaded.

"Quinn doesn't want anyone to know." Camila responds, leaving before Lauren can say anything else.

Lauren sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She shook her head and looked down at her sketch.


"Hi." Camila says softly, climbing above Normani and moving to rest between her legs.

Normani eyes fluttered open. "Hi." She yawned.

Smiling softly, Camila leans down and kisses her gently.

Normani kissed Camila back. They made out for a few minutes before Normani pulled away. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Better now." The younger girl responds softly.

"That's good." Normani smiled before slapping Camila's shoulder. "You interrupted my nap." She frowned.

Pouting, Camila leans down and kisses her gently. "I'm sorry."

"If I can go back to sleep, I'll accept your apology." Normani stated.

"Only if we can cuddle." Camila responds immediately.

Normani nodded. "But you have to lie on the bed, not on top of me."

"But I'm comfy." The Cuban whines, nuzzling Normani's neck.

"Well, I'm not. You're kinda heavy." Normani rolled Camila off of her.

Gasping playfully, Camila looks at Normani. "Did you just call me fat?"

"No." Normani said. "I said you were heavy. I didn't say you were fat. I'm not very strong, remember."

Laughing softly, Camila curls into Normani and kisses the side of her neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." Normani hummed before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

It wasn't long before Camila was sound asleep, holding Normani close.


"Hey, princess." Sam smiled softly as he kissed Quinn's forehead.

Smiling tiredly, Quinn looks up at him. "Hi."

Sam ran his fingers through her blonde hair, moving it from her eyes. "How are you feeling today?"

"Mostly tired and a little nauseous." The younger blonde responds softly.

Sam nodded. "I guess bringing you a bar of chocolate wasn't a good idea then." He revealed the bar of chocolate.

"No, that's a good idea. I've been craving chocolate." Quinn says immediately, reaching for the chocolate bar.

"You just said you were feeling sick, though." Sam shrugged and gave her the chocolate bar. "Don't eat it all."

Ignoring him, the blonde quickly eats the chocolate bar.

"Slow down." Sam said. He sat in the edge of the bed. "You'll choke."

Swallowing the last bite, Quinn clears her throat. "Do we have any apple juice?"

"I think there is some in the kitchen." Sam said. "I'll go have a look." He smiled softly and kissed her forehead.

Nodding her head, Quinn closes her eyes.

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