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It had been two months since Kong had been in vegetative  state.  All his vital organs were slowing little by little , inch by inch, setting its pace to  death.   Many came to visit him, his friends, peers, professors, teachers and his nanny too.  But nobody came from his family except on the day he was found and hospitalized.  His uncle tried to visit him once or twice but was met with severe rejection from Kong's doctor.    Since the time he visited, it was observed that Kong breathed heavily and slowly his BP started shooting at a faster rate, which created a condition of massive heart failure, but timely, lucky Kong was saved by the doctor.  The first time this went unnoticed, but second time, when his uncle came, the doctor was present and he witnessed  deterioration of Kong's  health.  Thereby, his uncle was barred from coming to visit him.  Although, Kong's uncle could have tried to exercise his muscle and money power, but he thought better of that and never visited him again.  He rejoiced seeing Kong on the verge of death bed.  He thought killing him at one go would  ease his pain, but dying every day little by little would accelerate his pain.  

Kong's nanny always visited him whenever she could, praying for him, but to no avail.   It was past two months and the life from Kong was leaving him ounce by ounce like a drop of water falling from the roof a house after rain.   Aim came to visit him as he was then one of his best friend in spite of what happened between them in the past.  He cried and tried hard to express his feelings of warmth and love for Kong to feel and come back to his senses, but it went futile. 

One day it so happened, that a faint sound fell into the ears of  the patient who was lying for months then. Then  his mind was almost  impaired into nothingness,but suddenly it became little active when it heard that  one word, which it was itching to hear for such a long time.   It was its life support, Kong's  meaning for his living , his oxygen to breathe and cause, not to embrace death.  The word was 'Arthit', yes his mind  heard it right, his ears became sensitive to that name and started straining to hear it more.   Kong was in ICU for two months then, being such a wealthy man's son, his parents spent millions and millions of sum for better medical facility and no gossips from the paparazzi.  The nurse and the ward boy were discussing about Arthit.  Kong's mind became alert.   Kong's mind could not figure out what was being said, but it heard only few words like, ' poor boy, got hit by a car', 'could not survive', ...........'his parents have almost cried their heart out'.............'life wasted, .......... young age'.

Suddenly Kong's blood pressure dipped second by second  and before the nurse or the ward boy could call the doctor, the defibrillator  showed flat lines indicating the stopping all vital signs of Kong  and his ultimate losing weakening breath.


I am not a medical student nor I have any idea about medical history of coma or machines.   How was this?

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