10. Visit the Hospital

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Kara's POV

It was Tuesday night I got back to my apartment. I wanted to call Jen but it was already late and I don't want to wake her up at this hour. So I just went straight to bed and thinking about Jen before I slowly falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up from the ringing sound from my phone on night stand.
"Hello ."
"Hi Kara good morning." The voice on the line said.
"Oh hi good morning Amalia." "What's up?" I asked.
"Any chance you can stop by my office today?"
"Sure thing." I answered
"Ok see you then."
"See you Amalia." I ended up the phone call and looked at the time. It was 10:30 I might as well get up anyway. I went to take a long shower before I head to the kitchen to make my morning coffee and ready to go to the hospital to meet Amalia.

I arrived at the hospital I went straight to Amalia's office. When I got there I saw two elderly people were with her so I just went to sit at the chair at the waiting room not far from the front desk.
"Hey...Kara..how's going?" One of the nurse passed by and waved at me.
"Hi Traci ...it's going great. How about yourself?"
"Busy as always...you are here for Dr. Amalia?"
"Oh I think she is a little busy right now. Did she know you are here?" She asked.
"Yeah..she knew I'm here but I can wait."
"Oh ok then I have to go to check on with the patient and nice to see you again." She said as she walked away with her clip board in her hand. As I looked up I saw the two elderly walked out from Amalia office as Amalia came out and walked with them. Their facial expressions looked very worried and saddened. The elderly woman whipped her tears as she walked out. She looked so familiar, but I couldn't think of who?
As the two elderly left, Amalia walked towards me and she gave me a hug.
"I miss you ." She said and gave me a hug at the same time. I hugged her back and as we apart she looked at me and smiled.
"What?" I shrugged.
"You are glowing ." She said with a grin on her face.
"No I am not." My face already turned red like an apple.
"What was that all about with the two people just left?" I tried to change the subject.
"Let go to my office." She closed the door after we walked in and I sit across from her desk.
" It's very complicated and I feel sorry for them." She said as she puts some papers away.
"Let not talking about it. It's a patient privacy. Tell me with that looks on your face." She said as she got up and walked to sit on another chair next to me.
"I don't know what you are talking about, Amalia." Now I feel more embarrassed to her question.
"I know you K ...God knows for how long. If something happens and makes you happy and I'm all for that." She said as she puts her hand on my shoulder. I can't hide from Amalia, she is the Dr. she knew many things about people when it comes to her cares or as her friend.
"Fine..I met someone." I said as I looked at Amalia expression.
"Really?" Her mouth dropped "When and for how long?"
"Yeah...I met her about two days ago before Ben,Matt and I went back to the Base." I can feel my face turning red again.
"How is she looks like and what she do for a living ?" She's so protective. Amalia is just like my oldest sister to me. She knew everything about me, my family and she knew that she's the only one beside Ben and Matt that I can count on.
"She is gorgeous Amalia and she is teaching in High School as an English teacher.
"You really like her are you?" She asked with a grin on her face. I putted my hands over my face then looked up to Amalia and smiled. I nodded my head.
" I want to meet her. When can we meet her?" She asked.
"I'm going to meet her today and I'll talk to her about it." My stomach is growling.
"Let go have lunch." She said as she got up.
"I'm staving."
"I'd noticed of that." I just got up and followed where ever she decided to go for lunch.

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