12. Watching The Night Sky

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Jen's POV

I got up early and went to take shower and put on my clothes and makeup on. I felt eyes stared at me and there she was standing by the door with her short and tank top on.
"Hi...how was your sleep last night?" I asked as I put on my earring and looked at myself in the mirror. She came and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Good morning...my sleep was good...you looks beautiful babe." She kissed down on my neck.
"Thank you ." I  bites my lips and turned around wrapped my arms around her neck. My cheeks turned red when she called me babe.
"You want me to drop you off and pick you up at school today..I'm free today and tomorrow?"
" Yes" I said as I kissed on her lips. "But you need to shower first."
"Right." She started to remove her short and her tank top off. I just stood there and stared at her body. She looked so beautiful and strong. She had those broad shoulders and packs on her belly. I just want to run my hand all over it. How am I so lucky?
"You are staring at me." She woke me off from my thought. My face turned red again.
"You want me to make you breakfast before we leave?" I asked her.
"You don't have to...we can stop by at Starbucks if you want." She said and stepped into a shower. After shower and dried herself up. She puts on her clothes and everything.
"Ready to go babe?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm ready." I said and grabbed my bag and puts on my high heels. I locked the door and we head out to her black Land Rover Ranger that park by the curb in front of the apartment. She opened the passenger door for me and closed it and she went to the driver side and turned on the engine and drove off.

We arrived at Starbucks. We'd ordered two Iced Vanilla bean coconut milk lattes along with two
Double-Smoked Bacon, Cheddar & Egg Sandwiches. We still got plenty of time before school started. We decided to eat here before heading to school. There were some students stopped by to order breakfast. I can feel many eyes on me  but I ignored it. I just wanted to enjoy my morning with my love here.
"Ready to go Ms Thomson?" Kara asked with a smirk on her face. I nodded at her and after we had finished our breakfast and off to school. We got to the school parking lot.
"I'll pick you up 5pm...is it ok with you?" Kara asked
"Yes...that's would be fine." I answered her and grabbed my bag ready to open the door.
"Jen?" She called
"My friends want to meet you...you think you could meet them?" Kara asked with her hand on my mind.
"Yes I would love to meet them."
How about Friday night?" She said.
"Yes that's would be fine." I said. She had a grin on her face and kissed my lips one last time before I opened the door out from her car.
"Bye babe." She said.
"See you later honey." I opened the door got up and closed the door behind me and waved to her. She drove off with a big smile on her face. I walked inside the school building toward the teacher lung.
"Hi Jen..." Hanna waved at me .
"Hi Hanna...how's going?" We both walked into teacher lung.
"Same old...same old everyday." She said while she poured the coffee into the mug. "I don't know, Jen. It's very complicated right now between me and John." She said. Hanna and John had been together for Two years and John had traveled a lot from place to place to meet the clients for his company. Hanna doesn't like him to travel a lot. They were always arguing every times he returned from his trip.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Hanna." I said and looked down at the hallway and saw Cindy was talking to the principal with her gestures all over the places. I wonder what was that all about? The first period class almost started, I have to get to my class before the students arrived.
As the times goes by soon the third period class was about to start. I was sitting at my desk, I can feel eyes on me. Then I heard foot steps came closer then walked passed me to back of the sit. But I can still feel eyes on me. I looked up and saw Jack was looking at me. This time no talking or flirting, only the looks full of hate and disgusting writers on his face. Soon other students started to arrive and I began passing the assignment to each everyone of them.
"Alright class.. tomorrow you will have a test." Everyone groaned. "So go home and study from this assignment...the test will be focus from this assignment...if anyone fail the test there will be no retaking it...any questions?" No body answered. I went back to sit at my desk. After hour the bell rungs and the students started to walk out. I was at my desk and typed on my laptop then I a fist slammed on my desk and I jumped and looked at the person who just did that then he walked away.

>>>>>>Kara's POV >>>>>

I got out from the gym and headed to pick Jen up from school. I arrived and parked the car in front of the school waiting for Jen to come out. After 5 minuets later Jen came out. I got out and opened the door for her. She gave me a small smile and got into the car and position herself in the passenger seat. I closed the door for her and went back to my driver side.
"Are you ok, babe?" I asked " you'd seemed been bothering?" I reached to her hand.
"I'm fine...it's just a bad day." She said.
"You want to talk about it?"
"Not now...I just want to get home." She said and lay her head on my shoulder.
"Ok babe." I kissed on her forehead and turned on the engine and drove off to my apartment instead.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"We're going to my apartment. I want to show you where I live." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
We arrived at my apartment. I unlocked the door and let's her in.
"Nice place you have here." She walked into the living room and to the kitchen. I opened the curtains and slide the door opened to the balcony to let her watch the sun sank below the horizon.
"It's beautiful." She said and I walked to her wrapped my arms around her waist.
"And so are you." I kissed on her cheek. We stood there until the sun completely sank and the darkness started to invade the city slowly. The city light started to appear to lights up the night sky. There was a knock on the door. I went to open it. It was a delivery guy.
"Thank you." I handed the money to the delivery guy and locked the door.
"I had ordered Chinese foods. Are you hungry?"  I putted the foods on the table.
"Yes...I'm starving ." We both enjoy eating and smiling at each other.
"You are so thoughtful." She complimented me. I gave her a big smile.
"Anything for my love." I said with a grin on my face.
After we had our dinner, I got a bottle of red wine and a throw blanket. We went to sit at the balcony watching the city light lights through the night sky. Jen sit with her back against my chest and her head rest on my shoulder. I wrapped the throw blanket around both of us. The night appears to be clear you could see the half of the moon and the stars shining far away across the sky. I could hear Jen breathing in and out slowly.
"What are you thinking?" I asked her.
"Nothing....I'm just happy to be with you ." She answered and snuck her head a little bit to my chest.
"Kara...did you ever been in love before?" She asked about my past.
"I had but it'd been years already." I sipped the wine from my glass.
"You never been with anyone after that?"
"No, I had been dating with one of my class mate when I was 16. She told me that she loved me and wanted to be with me and I loved her too but at the end she broke my heart. She had engaged to a man for the sake of her parents. Six weeks after she broke off with me, I lost both of my parents from planes crash." Tears started to flow down from my eyes.
"I'm so sorry." Jen moved herself up and hugged me tight. I whipped away my tears and looked up in to the night sky.
"When my dad was alive, I told him that I wanted to be a pilot because I was passionated  by it and he had been very proud and supported me. After my parents death my grandma took me to live with her. She'd been helping me out in everything I need. She passed away a year after I graduated from high school. Later I decided applied to attend at Air-Force Academy as a pilot but then because I had lost both of my parents, Amalia's parents came to me to talk about the major that I wanted to be as a pilot. Amalia's dad and my dad were best friends and he was a general at Air-Force Base in WA. He didn't want me to be in the sky. He wanted me to stay on the ground because I was the only child from my parents. Since then I changed my major from being Air Force pilot to an Air Force Engineer which I can stay on the ground but when the time call I have to be in the air as well."
"Honey I'm so sorry that you had been through that in all those years." Jen putted her hand on my cheek, I putted my hand over her hand and kissed it.
"I love you so much." She said
"I love you more." I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to my chest. The night sky brought out the cold wind across the atmosphere. I got up and carried Jen to bed.
"Good night babe." I kissed her on her cheek.
"Good night ...thank you." She said with a smile on her face. I lay and spoon her from behind and we both fast in a sleep.

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