17. Meeting

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Jen's POV
It's had been three months since Kara and I hadn't since each other. I missed her every day and night. I wanted to call and asked her how is she doing but I couldn't bring myself to do so. She was right that our relationship was too rushing but when she accused me for cheating on her and she didn't let me explain to her what was happening on that time. My heart was broken. My friends wanted me to move on but I told them I have to think about it. I still can't get over with Kara yet, I am deeply in love with her and I don't think I can move on with my life without her. I still have hope that one day we'll be together again. I have this deep down feeling connection that kept telling me that she will come back to me. Don't lose hope yet.

Anyway, today my parents told me come over because we are going to have guests coming over to our house. It's our gratitude to who ever had helped us to clear all those massive bills that had carried on for years since we couldn't find financial help from other sources. My parents personally invited them to come over to our house for dinner. All I knew that Amalia will be here with the anonymous person that had helped us clear out our massive bills. I got to my apartment from school after I had done grading all those papers. I quickly shower before heading to my parents house.

At 6pm I arrived at my parents house. I opened the door to the smell of lemon garlic roasted chicken filled in my nose.
"Hi, honey I'm glad you can make it." My dad came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi dad" I said and kissed him back on his cheek.
"Your mom and Sara are in the kitchen, I'll be outside if you need anything." My dad said.
"Ok dad." I didn't ask him why he wanted to go outside for. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom and my sister, they were busy preparing foods for evening dinners.
"Hi mom...hi Sara." They both looks up and came to give me a hug and kiss.
"Hi honey. I'm glad you can make it." My mom said.
"Me too mom." I said.
"How was school?" She asked
"School was fine mom." I picked up one grape putted in my mouth. I looked at my sister who was standing looking at me and smiled.
"You looks a lot brighter than last time I saw you like what a month ago, maybe?" I said to my sister.
"I'd been feeling a lot better lately and no fever for weeks since the last time that last this long was two years ago." And I can see my mom worried written all over her face. Two years ago when Sara high fevers was stopped for two weeks and after two weeks her fever came back and she ended up in the hospital for months. I looked at my mom she gave me a small smile and went back to check on her roasted chicken. My dad came in as he looked at his watch and walked towards us.
" They should be here in any minute now." Then I heard a car pulled over to our garage drive way and doors closed. I looked at my parents, they tried to straight themselves up to look more suitable before they greet the guests. Then the knock on the door. Both my parents went to the door. They greeted each others and told them to come inside. I was on my back looking at the roasted chicken that my mom just left in the stove and told me to take it out as she and dad went to greet the guests. I heard footsteps from the hallway and came closer to the kitchen.
"Girls? My dad called us. "These are my two girls...Jennifer and Sara." I looked up I saw her face appeared from behind Amalia. I was frozen. Our eyes got locked for a movement then she turned to shake hand with Sara. Then she turned to me and reached her hand to shake on mine. I gave her a little smile and she nodded and gave me a little smile back. Her hand was soft and warm. She still smells the same like I always knew her and I miss her so much. I wanted to run and hugged her and tell her that I miss and love her daily. But doesn't matter now, she needs her own space and I can understand and respect her that way.
I knew that I never told my parents or my sister about my relationship with Kara. They always thought that I was too busy with work and never got a time to go out or met someone. Nor I never introduced my family to Kara or tell her about my family situations. And here she is as a anonymous person that helps us from this massive bills that had been built up and dragged for years. I was back to reality from my thought after I heard my mom told me to bring the roasted chicken from the stove.
"Here I can help you with that... it's kind of hot." Kara said which made me jumped a bit from hearing her offers for help. I moved myself a bit from the stove to let her helped me brought the chicken out to the table.
Everything done and everyone took their seats. My mom and dad sit next to each other and Amalia sit across from Sara and I sit across from Kara. Once in a while I looked at Kara while she had a conversations with my parents and Amalia. She looked beautiful as always. I saw my parents faces light up along with a big laugh when Kara told them about her training at over sea. I couldn't help but smile to hear them talking.
After dinner my mom brought in some cookies and everyone moved to the living room. I was still in the kitchen tried to put some dirty dishes away and wiped the table. I could feel eyes on me, I glanced as I wiped the table I could see she was looking at my way. My dad called me to come to the living room as I came and sit on the couch across from her with out saying or looking at her because I didn't want her to see that I was about to cry after hearing my parents saying THANK to her for she had done and helped us through this tough time.
It is almost 9:30 they decided to leave and I told my parents I walked them to the door and they agreed after saying goodbye to them. Amalia was walking ahead of us to the door and she looked back to us and understood as she walked to the car first to gave us some privacy. At the door I was stopped and looked at her face. My eyes almost burst into tears when I looked her face. I wanted to touch her and tell her that I missed her so much. "Kara, I'm sorry." She walked to the door and looked at me and before she stepped out she smiled and kissed on my cheek.
"I'm sorry too. Good night Jen." I was about to grab her hand but she already out of my reach. I stood and watched the car drove out of sight and closed the door behind me. I stood at the door with my hand behind my back as my tears started to fall down like dropping rain.
"Are you alright dear?" My mom asked.
"I'm alright mom... I'm going to bed now... I'm kind of exhausted...good night."
"Good night honey." I didn't want my parents to see my crying so I went upstairs and opened the big window and I sit on the window frame with many thoughts inside my head. I looked up at the night sky. I could see many stars shining brightly to impress the moon. I smiled as I remembered the time that I had with Kara at her apartment balcony. I wish she has seen tonight stars too. I miss you,Kara.

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