18. Moving

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Kara's POV
After Amalia dropped me off from Jen's parents house I poured myself a glass of wine and went out to balcony. I stood leaned to the balcony rail thinking about Jen. I miss her so much as I looked up at the night cleared sky with full of stars ✨ I hoped that she was looking at the same stars as I looked at it too. Then I realized how Jen and her sister was so looked a like. They both looked so similar except Sara looks a little skinny and pale due to her illness and she got hazel eyes just like her mom unlike Jen got green eyes which she got it from her dad. But other than that you almost can't tell the difference.
Before I left her house I knew she wanted to talk to me but I couldn't bring myself to give her time to talk. The image at the bar was still flashing inside my head when I looked at her. It's seems like it permanently locked inside there and it won't go away. I tried to shake it off from it but that image was still playing inside of my head. I knew I should give her time to explain things to me but why I didn't? Why? I'd asked myself for million of times for not giving her a chance.
I finished the glass of wine and went back inside I stood by the dining table and went through the piles of mails that I hadn't looked for weeks then one envelope catches my eyes. I opened it and I realized my graduation will be in two weeks and I was so excited about it. I read through the whole thing to see the time the place and the whole process during the graduation. I'd thought about my parents if they were still alive they will be proud of me for what I had accomplished from my hardest training and traveling to many places. Then my thought went back to Jen. I dropped my head down both of my hands were on the table then I looked back up at the ceiling and wished that Jen will be there to see me...cheers for me and gave me her biggest beautiful smile but don't matter now since I was the one that decided we should be apart from each other. I was the one to blame I was the one that brought our relationship down. My eyes started to form tears that threaten to come out. That was all my fault.

The next morning I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing by the night stand. I picked it up and Amalia names appeared on the screen.
"Good morning Kara"
"Good morning Amalia." I said it back with my sleepy eyes.
"I'm sorry to wake you up this early. Are you available today? She asked.
"Yes, I'm available..so what's up? I asked.
She paused for second then started to ask me if I could come to her office today and I agreed to come over which she wasn't specifically told me what was about. I went to take a shower after I hung up the phone from Amalia. I let the warmth water ran through my body my head against the wall while my mind dripped back to Jen again. I ran my hand on my shoulder I felt the area where Jen had bitten me at the time we made love. I closed my eyes my hands folded into fists as the image at the bar kept on flashing inside my head every time I tried think about Jen. Then I realized I'd been in the shower for almost an hour. I got out from bathroom cleaning myself up and putted on my clothes before I head to Amalia's office.
On my way to Amalia's office I had stopped by the Starbucks I had ordered two Caramel lattes one for me and one for Amalia. When I got to her office the door of her office was opened and I was frozen I thought she was Jen just walked out from Amalia office.
"Hi Kara..." she said with a surprise smile on her face as she holds the door opened for me.
"Oh..err..hi..S..Sara." I was stuttering and my eyes kept on looking straight into her eyes. Her face looks exactly like Jen except her eyes colored that made her not mistaken with her sister,Jen.
"How are you?" She asked with her hand reaching out to shake my hand.
"I'm doing good and how about yourself?" I asked her back with my hand still shaking with her.
"I'm doing good lately...and feeling a lot more healthier obviously." She said with a smile on her face. " Thank you for everything that you had been done for us."
"I...err.. didn't do anything." I said as Amalia emerges from her office as she heard me and Sara were talking by the door.
"Thank you for holding the door for me." I said and gave her my big smile that made her blushing on her face when she realized that she didn't need to hold the door that long for me.
"Nice to meet you again." She said before she walked away from me.
"Nice to meet you again too." I said it back to her.

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