24. It's A Girl

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"Sara....this is a joke? I asked her and she just snuggled her face into my chest. I pulled her chin up to look at me.

"Tell me that was a joke, right?" I hope she was joking with me but then she got up from my chest and touched my cheek. She looked straight into my eyes. I can see sparkles in her eyes the sparkle full of love.

"Kara..I..Lo..I...always thought to have kid....I knew it is too soon but I...Lo...I really do want to carry our baby."
There were something holding her words. She seems can't say it all out. And I wonder why? I knew that she loved me, I can see it in her eyes. But what had have kept her not talking out?
Then she laid her head back to my chest. She wanted to have a baby, my baby.

"Sara we are not together for long enough to think about having kid yet. Besides if we do I need to ask your parents permission for your hands and marry you before we decided to have kid. I do love you Sara and we need more time to decide to make things right. And I knew it wasn't wrong to have a baby but we needs more time."

"Kara...we don't need to get married. We can get marry right after we had our kid." She said.

"But I'm not ready yet Sara." That was our first argument since we together. She got up and sit next to me. She wrapped her arms around her knees. I pulled her closer and let her leaned her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her back.

"Sara...this is serious matter. Can we talk about this in some other times?" Her tears started to fall down.

"Sara?" I can't understand why and what was in her mind to get her into distressing.

"I'm fine." She wipeout her tears with her hand. 

"Give me some times to think about this, ok? Come here" I pulled her to lay back on my chest.

"Love you." I kissed on her forehead.

She snuggled her face back to my chest as I covered the blanket over us. We stayed there until she fell asleep then I carried her to her room. I laid her on her bed and pulled the blanket over her.

"Good night Sara." I kissed her forehead then turned off the light and left her room. On that night I couldn't sleep. I needed to talk with someone and I knew exactly who I was going to talk with, Amalia. I looked at the clock it was already really late to call her. So I decided to call her the next day.

"Kara...are you serious...she wanted to carry your baby?" Amalia on the line.

"I'm serious Amalia and I don't know who I can talk to besides you."
"Why all the sudden she wanted to have a baby?"

"Tell me about it."

"There's  the problem if she wants to get pregnant."

"What problem?"

"Kara... she'd been sick for almost of her life. Her illness was up and down. It's surprisingly that she is much healthier than before. If she wanted to have a baby it is too risky for her I mean it might trick her illness to come back or maybe not at all and she can have many kids as she wanted...I don't know you agree with me or not....."


Jen's POV

Time went by so fast just like the blink of an eyes. Christmas was over with out my sister here with us to celebrate Christmas together. During Thanksgiving Day Sara was here with us. She also delivered my parents a good new that she and Kara were together and my parents were so thrilled to hear about it. They never thought that Sara ever happened to be loved by someone but Kara was over joy for them. I should be more happy for them and move on with my life but there something kept on holding me back and what was it...?

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