19. Grandma's House

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Kara's POV

After like five hours drive we finally arrived at my grandma's house. Well, she used to live here when she was alive. Since I was the only child and only granddaughter in my family, my grandma had everything prepared for me after she found out she had diagnosed with Osteoporosis and passed away two years after my high school graduation.

I parked the car in front the house and turned to look at Sara but she seems to not moving. I got off from the car and called Amalia.
"Hey, how was your trip? Her voice on the line.
"It was alright" I said as I turned to look at Sara was still sleeping inside the car.
"Why didn't you tell me that she wanted to come along with me?" I asked.
"I'd called her to come to my office to check up on her health again and I happened to tell her about your moving. I tried believe me Kara... I even talked to her parents and Jen" Amalia said.
"Wait...did you said you talked to Jen?"
"Yes, about Sara ideas wanted to move with you. And she had confirmed her moving ideas no one is going to change that." Amalia said.
"What did Jen say?" Which I wanted to know why Sara wanted to come with me.
"She didn't say anything much but she said she will talk to Sara about it."
"Dam it! Amalia... I not responsible for her here...this is too risky for her to come here." I raise my voice at her.
"That's what I told her too but she said she fine she ok for moving away from the city and that was her choice to make not mind. I'm sorry I should've let you know before she come  to you. Anyway, update me if something happened with her."
I looked at Sara again she was still sleeping.
"For God sakes Amalia...I don't know how to deal with this. I can't just stay and watch her 24/7...I have my own life to deal with it for crying out loud." I said
"I understand Kara...like I said it is not my choice to make...it's up to her. Anyway, if you can please keep me post it. I got to go...patient is calling...talk to you later." with that she hung up the phone.
I stood and looked back at Sara. What I'm going to do with her?

Flash back.
I thought back on the time when we were in the car we had talked and laughed a lot. We were telling each other about what we did funny things when we were a little kids. I motions her to come to sit at the passenger side. She moved herself over while the car was still moving. I kept talking to her because I didn't want her to sleep all the way for five hours. She kept on talking and smiling at me. My inner thought asking why she wanted to move with me?
"I don't know" I mumbling to myself. I saw her giggling. Did I said that out loud? She mustn't heard me didn't she? She looked cute when she giggles. I wanted to make her laugh more so I told her about the time when I was 13 years old, I fell on my stomach and my face was landing on my Jono's butt when I tried to chase after my dog. She laughed out loud until she holds to her stomach from laughing so hard at it.
"What happened to Jono?" She asked between her laughter.
"He was too old and he got sick couple days after my grandma passed away. I took him to the veterinarian but they suggested that it was better to put him to sleep than to keep him in pain." I said.
"Poor dog." She said with a disappointed face. I took a deep breath.
"Right, he barked all the time and I didn't want to disturb the neighbors from his barking so I decided to put him to sleep to end his misery." After a while it got quite again and I looked  at Sara, her eyes was closed and her head rest against the car door.  I thought maybe she was too tired from laughing and talking a lot with me so I better let her sleep until we get to the house.

Back to reality.

"Sara wake up...we're here." I said as I shook on her shoulder. She woke up with a sleepy eyes.
"We are? what a long ride" She yawned and stretched her body. "Can I sleep a little bit more?" She rested her head against the car door and closed her eyes again.
"Fine, I'll go unlock the door then." I said as I walked towards the front door and unlocked it. I opened the door the smell of the house rushing into my nose like it welcomes me back home again. The house looked nice clean like the way I had left it and all the furnitures was covered with a white sheet so the dust won't build up on it. I walked inside and stood in the middle of the living room. I closed my eyes as the memories flashing back to me. The memories when I was a child with my parents,  we were always came here to visit grandma. The memories when I was with my grandma without my parents. Her voice was calling me " Kara...Kara..." I felt a hand on my shoulder I opened my eyes and jumped at it.
"Are you alright?" She asked me with a concerning look on her face.
"I...err...yes...I am alright." I scratched the back of my neck when I turned to answer her. She giggles and walked passed me and looks up to the the beautiful chandelier above her head.
"Wow...it is beautiful" I heard she said.
" Yeah...this is my grandma's house and I used to live with her here." I said as I opened the curtains so the sunlight could come in.
"Alright, let go bring stuffs out from the car." She didn't move and I looked at her with the confusion. She looked down and I can see her nervousness looked on her face. She looked straight to my eyes and looked down again.
" I...I... was wondering... about this moving...?" She scratched on the back of her neck with a shyly smile face.
"You have other place to stay otherwise you have to stay here with me...you are not going anywhere." I folded my arms in front of my chest and gave her my stunt face.
She bites her lips. "No, I don't have other place to stay but ok..and yes...thank you." Then she walked back to the car as I smirked after her.

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