14. Hold Me

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Kara's Pov ~~~~
My heart was broken to see my girl friend hurts. I really want to kill that baster from what he did to her. I took Jen to my apartment. I walked her to sit down on the couch and sit next to her.
"Please holds me." I hugged her as she laid her head on my chest and I can feel the warmth wetting dripping down on to my shirt.
" Baby I'm here...everything will be alright." "I won't let anyone hurt you...I promise." I kissed her on her head and thought about the movement that Jen almost got rap by her student. I didn't want to ask her how and why it's happening. At this movement I just want to hold her closer and tell her that I am here for her and everything will be alright.
Later that day we went to the police station and did the report and he was locked up waiting on the court order to sentence him for first degree attempt rapist.

I took Jen back to my apartment. I let her rest on the couch while I ordered some Chines foods. 30 minuets later the foods had arrived. Jen doesn't feel like to eat anything. She just wanted to lay down on the couch. I placed foods on the coffee table.
"Babe you need to eat something." She just shook her head.
"Please eat a little bit...for me...please." I helped her to sit up. She still doesn't want to eat so I sit next to her and picked up the spoon and started to feed her.
"Please...." I said. She looked at me and gave me a little smile when I spoon her with foods. She started to eat as I continued to feed her. After she stopped eating I cleaned up everything and came back to sit next to her. With out words I pulled her to lay down on my chest.
The night sky seems very calm. The stars appeared to shine the night dark sky.
"Kara please take me outside ... I want to look at the stars with you."
"As you wish babe." I got up and carried Jen out to the balcony. Then I let her sit on the chair and told her I be right back. I went inside and brought out a throw blanket and Jen got up from the chair and let me sit down on the chair and pulled her to sit on my laps. I wrapped a throw blanket around us. Jen lays her head down on my chest. I kissed her hair her forehead to assure her that I'm here for her.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you more." I said as I hugged tight.
"Hmmm." Our fingers intertwined
"I just want you to promise me something." She tilted her head up.
"What is it?" She asked
"If anything anything at all happen please promise me that you will never give up yourself." "Promise me that you will never lose hope for anything or any circumstances." I grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"Are you going to leave me?" She released her hand from my lips and touched my face as  her softly green eyes formed into water dripped down to her cheeks.
"No babe....I'm not going to leave you." I lift up her chin and I looked up to the sky.  "As long as the stars are still shining bright my love for you never changed." " I knew there are many obstacles in front of us. Anything could happen and I just want you to promise me." I touched her cheek and leaned down to kiss her. I can taste the saltiness on my lips.
"I promise." She kissed me and leaned her head back on my chest as I held her closed to me. Tonight I just want to hold her. She needs me more than anything right now.

The cold morning air blew through the window. The sounds of the traffics outside woke me up from my sleep. I got up and looked at Jen. She was still sounding a sleep. I pulled the blanket covered her and left her to sleep. I went to kitchen and started to make the coffee and pancakes before Jen gets up. I wanted to spend as much time as I can with her. I knew she was very down on herself from what had had happened to her at school.

The next day evening came, we went to the bar to meet the others. When we got there Amalia, Matt and Ben were already there.
"Hey, everything alright?"
"I'm so sorry to hear what have had happened to you." Amalia said as she hugged us both.
"Everything Alright. Jen pressed charges against him, he will be charged for first degree attempt rapist." I said.
"I'm glad Jen is safe with you." Amalia said as Ben ordered us some drinks as usual when every time we in the bar. We drank talked and laughed. I tried not to drink too much. I wanted to be sobered when I drive Jen back home and Jen didn't want to drink too much either and she lets me drink if I wanted too she can drive us home. Matt pulled Amalia to the dance floor when their song started to play.
"You want to dance babe?" Jen was about to answer when her eyes were staring at the front door.
"Hanna?" I looked up and saw Hanna walked in and had her eyes around the bars. Hanna spotted Jen and I and she walked towards us.
"Hi guys." She gave us a hug.
"Hanna what are you doing here?" Jen asked.
"I'm supposed to meet someone here but anyway I'm glad I met you guys here." Hanna said as she settled herself down to the chair which Ben was the honors to pull it for her. Jen introduced Hanna to Ben which he never met Hanna before. We talked and laughed from this and that.  The  sound of laughing from Hanna as Ben continues his practical jokes. From time to time I noticed that Ben had been checking on Hanna. Amalia and Matt came over from the dance floor. "Hi guys." Hanna waved.
"Hi Hanna...nice to see you again." They both shake her hand. They had known Hanna from previous meeting beside Ben. Both Amalia and Hanna got into a good conversations. Matt and Ben were just sitting there drinking and listening to them. I winked at Ben as I caught him checking on Hanna. Ben got a little embarrasses and grabbed the drink and pretended he didn't see anything. I looked at my watch and it was getting late so I excused ourselves to leave first. We waved them good bye and left the bar.
I drove Jen to her apartment. When we arrived I unlocked the door and locked it and before I could turned around Jen came put her arms around my neck.
"Babe...you want to stay here tonight...it's already late ?" She said and bites her lips with  full of lust.
"If you want me to." I wrapped my arms around her waist our heads against each other.
"I won't see why not." She said with full of lust. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She putted both of her hands over my face and deeply kiss on my lips. I carried her to her room.  As I was carried her I happened to step on something and my feet got tumbled  and dropped Jen on the bed. Jen laughed so hard when I dropped her on the bed. I looked to see what on the floor and saw a box, I grabbed the box and looked at it and looked at Jen with my eyes widen at her . She shrugged her shoulders.
"What is it?" She asked me.
"Babe you have this." I showed her the box. She looked at it and her face turned bright red from embarrassment.
"Cindy gave it to me couple weeks ago and I just left it there." She said and bites her lips. I threw the box on the bed and crawled up and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Babe tonight is going to be a fun night." I said between our kisses.
"Because I want to try that with you tonight?"
She pulled me closer and softly kissed me.
"If you want it too....I love you."
"I love you too babe." I kissed her deeply and passionately until our kisses started to heat up. Jen started unbutton my shirt and my sport bra off. I started to unbutton my pants but Jen flapped me over.
"Baby let me..." she bites her lips with lust as she started to remove my pants down and sit on my hip. She leaned down and kissed me deeply. I ran my hands all over her torso, I pulled off her shirt and I released off her bra. I got up and kissed down her neck her chest. My hand massages her breasts as I kissed her lips. Then I flapped her over. She was under me and I continued kissing her and slowly removed her pants and her panty off. I kissed her from her legs, her thighs her belly up to her breasts and to her lips.
"Babe are you sure you want me to use it ?" She touches my face as she bites her lips.
"I love you.....yes." I got up opened the box and took it out. I removed my panty out and putted the traps on between my thighs. I leaned back down to kiss her. My hand ran down to her breasts and down to her thighs. I got between her legs.
"Babe I don't want to hurt you." I said as I kissed down her neck.
"Please hurts me...I'm all your." I deeply kissed her as she wrapped her legs around my waist and let me entered her slowly. She wrapped her arms around my neck her head moved backwards when I entered her deeper and deeper. She apart her lips and moaned to every stroke I made. I tried not to hurt or moving hard on her. She noticed of that as I kept on moving my hip again and again.....until I'd reached the climax.
" Babe I'm coming." I closed my eyes while Jen holds on me tight and bites my shoulder.
"Kara...baby...I love you." We both came at the same time. Our hearts beats against each other. I laid on top of her tried to gain my breathing. Jen still holding on to me as her breathing slowly dying down.
"That was amazing." Jen said and kissed on my forehead.

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