15.Girl Night

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Jen's POV

After what had happened in school I returned back to work. I was at my desk after third hour to try caught up my works from my absence. A phone called from my mom.
"Hi mom."
"Hi honey can you come to the hospital today?" My mom asked.
"Sure mom." "When do you want me to go there?"
"Can you come around 1 o'clock, I'm going to meet with the Doctor and she wanted to discuss some sort of things that I need you here with me."
"Ok mom I will be there." I hung up the phone after I talked with my mom. I took a deep breathing. How could I help them? I looked at the clock lunch time almost over and the four hour class will arrive soon.
I had requested to have a substitute during my fifth class. At 1 o'clock I arrived at the hospital. I saw my mom at the waiting room. My dad wasn't there with her.
"Hi mom...where is dad?"
"He got things to do at home and keep an eyes on Sara, her high fever might come back at anytime." One of the nurse approached us.
"Hi Dr. Davis would like to see you now. Go straight at the door on your left." The nurse said. We arrived at the office and I knocked on it.
"Come in." A familiar voice heard from inside. I opened the door and let my mom walked in first.
"Hi." My mom said
"Hi Mrs. Thomson nice to see you again." Dr. Davis said then turned to greeting me.
"Jen?" Amalia was surprised to see me with my mom.
"I didn't know you are Mrs. Thomson's daughter. You are kind of familiar  but I can't think of that you are Thomson ." "Please have a seat." Amalia said as I pulled the chair for my mom and myself.
"You two know each other?" My mom asked.
"Yes mom, we know each other." Amalia looked at me when I didn't say anything else more.
"Alright, I have you two come here today because I have something to discuss with prior to Sara illness and other stuffs that I have all the papers here with me. Since this is my second time been working with Sara cases because one of the Doctor that was working with  her got retired a month ago. Seems like Sara has this illness on and off for along time and she had been with many Doctors in the past and they can't find anything what was wrong with her besides giving her  medication to reduce her high fever." Amalia explained to us. After many explanations from Amalia about Sara medical case I asked Amalia about the medical bills that we were still have to pay for the hospital. She said we still have over $25,000.00 for the medical bill. Amalia can see the worrisome in my eyes that we need help. My parents were old and retired. They got their pensions but not enough to cover everything since Sara can't work due to her illness. I got to help them even though I wanted something good for myself like new car or fancy clothes but I couldn't, but that didn't mean I shopped at Walmart I always went to find clothes at outlets malls. I knew it was cheaper fabrics but that all I can afford right now. Half of my paycheck already to the medical bill.
Amalia asked to have Sara come to see her again since her last visit Sara high fever seems back to normal and it'd been the longest time unlike before she had 2 or 3 times per week. Now it's been two weeks her fever seems normal again.

After talking with Amalia and looked through all the papers my mom went back home and I had to go back to school to finish my class. On the way I received a phone call from Kara.
"Hi babe...you want to go eat out with me after you off from school today?" She asked.
"Sure...I love to."
"Ok, I'll pick you up around 7PM is that alright with you?"
Yes, that would be perfect."
"I'll see you then...love you."
"Love you too." I hugged up the phone but my mind was still lingering about the conversations with Amalia earlier. How are we supposed to pay all that amount of money? Should I let Kara know about my family situations? What if she ask me? What am I going to tell her? About my poor family and about Sara illness? Well we weren't really that poor before Sara got this rare illness. We were just a middle class family but now everything changes.
After school ended I went back to my apartment and changed my clothes. I got my black jan and a white button shirt on and tucked inside my jan with a high heels on to level with Kara. A knock on the door.
"Hi babe." She came in and kissed me on the cheek.
"You looks beautiful." Another kiss on my lips.
"And so are you." I bite my lips she looked so hot. She pulled me closer to her and another kiss again and again.
"Babe...we supposed to go somewhere?" I putted my hands on her chest.
"I just can't have enough of you."
"One last kiss...ok let go." She grabbed my hand and pulled the door closed behind us. On the way Kara noticed I was so quiet. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
"Babe are you ok?" She asked as her eyes still focused on the road.
"Yes, I'm fine." I gave her a little smile. She looked at me as we stopped at the red light.
"Something is bothering you...you want to talk about it?"
"No, everything are fine." I squeezed her hand and leaned to kiss her cheek.
"I love you too." She leans and kissed me back. The sound of the car honked from other car as the light turned green. We're just laughing and drove off. Kara took me to one of the Italian restaurant in downtown and after dinner we went to take a walk along the side of the water front. We sit and watched the view from the sunset reflected on the water, the ferry carried people and cars crossing to the other side, the Caribbean crews ship parked by waiting to take off at any time soon. I laid my head on Kara's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my waist pulled me closer to her. I felt so calm and peaceful when I with her. All my worries earlier at the hospital was fading away.
"Jen." She kissed my forehead.
"Hem.." I titled my head up to meet her.
"I have something to tell you."
"What is it?" I asked and putted my head backs down to her shoulder.
"I just want to let you know, in 3 days I will be travel to South Korea with Matt, Ben and the others. I don't know for how long I have to stay there."
"I have to go to train people there and that's my final before my graduation." She said as her eyes looked far with sadness. I knew she worried about me and I didn't want her to leave me for that long. Even though I was safe from Jack, he was locked up in juvenile and after he turned 18 they will transfer him to the cell jail. But I just didn't want to feel lonely without Kara. An hour later we went back to my apartment. She wanted to stay with me until she off to over sea and I was happy that she chose to stay with me before she leaves.

It'd been a week since Kara had traveled to over sea. I'd missed her so much. I knew we can talk through FaceTime but it wasn't the same like face to face in physical way. She told me she was always busy with the training. The only time she was free was 11 o'clock at night there and here it was still 11 o'clock day time. And I was still working, we can't talk. That was sucked because the time was different.

As the times went by it was almost 3 weeks since Kara left to over sea. Today is Friday and I was in the teacher lounge and Cindy came over to ask me to go for a ladies night out at the bar.
"Are you coming...it's going to be a fun night." She said and she was kind made a little dance that made me giggle a little bit.
"I'm not sure I'm going...but I will let you know after school today." Hanna walked in with her lunch bag and sit down next to me.
"What's news ?" She asked and opened her lunch bag and pulled out the sandwich.
"I was asking Jen to go for a ladies night out at the bar with me tonight. There will be many hot guys are going to show up tonight." She was so excited about it but I'm not sure I'm going yet.
"Are you going, Jen?" Hanna asked me.
"Come on, Jen...let's go out and have some fun." Cindy sit across from us with the excitement all over her face.
"Are you going Hanna?" I asked Hanna if she wanted to go but she had to go to stay with her grandma for the weekend because her parents had to go somewhere and nobody stayed with her. At the end of school Cindy came to my class to ask me to make sure I go with her. I was kind of saying not going but she gave me a puppy face and I thought I got nothing to do anyway why not just go have some fun for one night. I'm sure Kara will be busy again like she always said.  I told Cindy I wanted to be sober and she was agreed with that.

We arrived at the bar and I could see many people there drinking and laughing at each other. The music was loud and many people were on the dance floor swinging their bodies through the music. On to my surprise Cindy was pulled by the man with a light brown hair.
"Rob...hi nice to see you." They hugged each other.
"Hi Cindy...nice to see you too."
"How had you been? She asked him.
"I had been good... and you are..?"
He turned to me with hand reaching to shake my hand.
"Oh...this is Jennifer, my co worker at high school."
"Hi" I shakes his hand after Cindy introduced me to him.
"Would both of you care to join our table with us?" I looked over his direction and saw couple guys were sitting there drinking and looking at our direction.
"Yes...sure" Cindy not hesitated to not agree with him. So we just followed him to the table even though I didn't really trust all these guys but that was the only table was available for the two of us to sit because this place was packed with people.
We got to the table and introduced ourselves to one another. Some guys offered me some drinks but I refused not to drink because I wanted to be sober like I told Cindy. I had ordered some drinks that contained no alcohol but after couple drinks I felt dizzy. And I can feel someone hand around my waist and I tried to get it off but my head felt so dizzy. Did I get drunk from drinking this none alcohol drink or someone putted something into my drink? I looked at Cindy she was drinking and laughing with many guys but this one guy stayed very close to me. I tried to push him away from me but he kept on all over me. I tried to push him again and again but he still won't stop and I felt like my head almost exploded from this louder music. I wanted to tell Cindy that I wanted to go home but she was so busy flirting with many guys and left me alone with this guy that kept coming on me. He wrapped his arms around me and licked my ears as I tried to push him away from me and I looked up I saw her was standing there looking at me with  both of her hands tight into fists and looked straight at me in the eyes.
"Kara! No..please wait! I can explain." I pushed the guy away from me and ran after her.

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