3.3 - intoxicated

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I'm laying peacefully in bed next to Zach. It's 3am yet I can't fall asleep.

Suddenly I get a phone call.

Who the hell is calling me at 3 in the god damn morning?

I answer it. "Hello?" I say groggily. "Hey it's Emily, Joeys friend. Uhm, so Joeys...inebriated. She's crying about how Daniel never loved her and she won't go home unless you take her home. Plus none of us can drive because we've also been drinking. So, would you mind picking us up?" She asks.

"Yeah sure. Where are you guys?" I ask sitting up. "Avalon Hollywood." She sighs. "Okay. I'm on my way." I say before hanging up.

Usually I wouldn't go out at 3am while I was perfectly fine in my bed, nice and comfy.

But, I can make an exception tonight because I don't want anyone to get killed. I would rather get a call at 3am then a phone call the next day saying my best friend/sister died in a car accident.

I slip on a shirt and a light jacket.

"Jack?" Zach says quietly. "Yep." I replied softly looking over the bed at him. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"To pick up Joey and her friends." I say walking over to him. "I'll be back soon Zach." I say, pecking his lips quickly.

"Don't stay up for me." I said walking out the door. I quietly make my way down the stairs and into the garage.

The car ride was calm. I always loved driving at night. The radio played quietly.

I felt calm physically but I was worried about my sister. I can't believe she got drunk. With a fake ID I literally gave her.

I'm such a dumbass.

I pull up to the club to see Emily and Joey sitting on the curb. Joey was crying into Emily's lap.

Joey looked rough.

I quickly got out and helped Joey. "Jack..." Joey groaned. She fell into my arms. "Nobody loves me..." she slurs/cries into my chest.

"I love you Joey, now let's get you home." I carried her to the car and Emily opened the door for us. I set Joey down and buckled her in.

Emily was obviously knew how to handle her alcohol. She wasn't nearly as drunk as Joey.

The car was filled with Joeys cries about Daniel and nobody loving her. She had makeup all over her face. She was a mess.

It's been almost a month and Joey is still heartbroken over Daniel. Wow.

We pull up to their apartment complex and Emily gets out and opened Joeys door for her. "No." She slurs. "I wanna stay with Jack. At Jacks house." Joey continues.

"Are you sure?" I ask concerned that Daniel will also be there. "Yes." She glares at me.

"I'll grab her some clothes." Emily says softly before heading up into their apartment complex.


I was in the kitchen getting something to eat or drink or get something into my stomach. When I hear the door to the garage open and small cries.

"Daniel never loved me."

I follow the footsteps and cries and see Jack trying to hold up an intoxicated Joey.

I froze. I hadn't seen Joey since the break up. She looked awful. She continued rambling about how nobody loves her and how I broke her heart and never loved her.

Hearing that broke my heart.

"Do you need help?" My voice cracked. "Will she know it's you?" Jack asked. "I don't think so. She looked right at me and didn't say anything." I replied.

"Okay, come here." Jack said. I go over and pick Joey up bridal style and carry her downstairs onto the couch.

Jack follows.

He took off her heels and I laid a blanket over her.

I stood and just stared at her. Passed out on the couch.

"Did I do this?" I asked faintly. "Sounds like it." Jack said looking at me. "I never wanted to hurt her." I said sitting down on the coffee table and putting my face in my hands.

"What do you mean?" Jack asks.

"Tyler set me up to cheat on Joey. To get the media's attention off of Joey and I." I admitted.

"So, it wasn't your choice." Jack said. "Yeah." I said. "My theory was right." Jack says.

"You had a theory?" I ask looking at him, laughing a bit.

"Yeah." Jack laughs.

"I feel awful." I say getting sad again. "Maybe you should talk to her. Explain." Jack suggests.

"Should I?" I asked. "Yeah. I think so." Jack replied.

"Okay." I sigh.

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