0.3 - the movie

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First Monday morning of the summer. You may wonder why I was studying yesterday if school just ended.

Solemnly because I enjoy studying in my free time.

I know. Such an exciting life.

I look at the time. 9:47am. I remembered I was hanging out with Daniel today. I smiled to myself.

I got out of bed and got dressed. I straightened my hair like I usually do. I applied a little bit of mascara and lipgloss and I headed downstairs into the kitchen.

"Good morning mom. Good morning Jack." I smiled.

"Morning Joey." "Good morning daughter" they replied.

I sat down as my mom handed me waffles. "Thank you mom" I smiled. "Your welcome" she said turning back to the counter.

"What are you doing today?" Jack asked. "Well I'm going to meet someone at noon." I replied. "Do I know this person?" He asked.

"Possibly" I shrugged. "Okay" I replied.

After eating breakfast I went back upstairs to my room and decided to watch netflix.

I put on 13 Reasons Why. I love that show. I've rewatched it like a million times.

I got all comfy and settled in my sheets and started binging.


I was going onto the last episode when I saw the time. 11:39am.

Shit shit shit shit shit. I thought to myself scrambling to fix my hair and put on my shoes.

I quickly ran down the stairs.

"Mom I'm going out!" I yelled at her somewhere in the house. I heard an "Okay!" Before I closed the door.

It was kind of a crappy day out. It was drizzling. I ran to the park not stopping to walk or catch my breath.


"Mom I'm going out." I tell my mom as I walk through the kitchen. "Okay be safe." She said.

"Okay I will. Bye!" I say walking out the door.

I slide my hands in my pockets and start walking. It was rainy and cold out. It was fine though.

I walk onto the path leading through the park and as I get closer I see who I believe to be Joey running.

We get closer and closer until we're face to face and she's out of breath. "Are you Okay?" I chuckled.

"Yes" She nodded grinning still out of breath.

"Why'd you run?" I asked. "Because I thought I would be late" she said worried. "Well you aren't." I smiled.

"Yeah" She said. "So that phone number" I smirked. "Right" she smiled looking at her feet.

"Here" I said handing her my phone smiling still.

"Okay..." She said typing her name and phone number. It took a couple seconds.

"Okay here" She smiled handing my phone back. "Thanks" I smiled. "What do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Well I was actually planning on taking you to a movie." I said. "I didn't bring money." She said defeated.

"Don't worry about it. I'll pay." I beamed. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes. Positive." I replied.



We got into the theatre and got in line get tickets.

"What movie do you wanna see?" He asked. I looked at the selection. I gasped. "Every day." I smiled like a child at him.

"Alright." He chuckled. He bought the tickets and we got our popcorn then made our way into the theatre.

We sat up in the very top corner. Away from everyone else.

It was a Sunday afternoon so there wasn't many people there. I liked it like that.

I was so excited to watch the movie. I had already read the book. "I read the book." I said to him.

"Hm?" He said looking at me. "The book. This movie is based on a book." I said. "Ohhh I see." He smiled. "So you read?" He asked.

"Yes. I love reading. I'm kind of a boring person. I study in my spare time." I said. "It's summer though." He chuckled a bit.

"I know. And I'm not even going to college. I'm moving to LA in August." I said.

"No way that's where I live." He said. "Really?" I said. "Yeah. Maybe we were just meant to be." He winked.

I laughed a bit. Then the movie started.

I don't really know Daniel too well yet, but I have a good feeling about this one.

I laid my head on his shoulder and began to doze off. He was pretty comfy.


I noticed she had fallen asleep. I noticed by her lack of fangirling. I didn't mind when she fangirled.

I found it kinda cute actually.

After the movie ended I didn't know if I should pick her up and carry her out or just wake her up.

I sat there for a couple seconds contemplating on what to do.

I decided to just wake her up. "Joey" I whispered. "The movie's over." I said shaking her.

Her eyes slowly opened. "I fell asleep?!" She asked disappointed. "Yeah. It's okay though. We can watch the whole thing when it comes out on DVD. Promise." I assured her.

"Okay." She smiled blushing a bit.

We walked out of the theatre and into the lobby. "What should we do now?" I asked. "Could we go for a walk? I love walks." She smiled.

"Sure we can go on a walk." I smiled.

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