III : Superstar

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"So, what'd you do?" A boy you literally did not know asked while you re explained what happened with Torso.

"I grabbed the quinque Investigator Shirazu dropped and stabbed Saeki in the eye with it." You answered nonchalantly. It's the fourth time you had to tell the story to a group of people you barely knew. "Then he ripped the quinque out and ran away."

"I can't believe you survived!" A freshman exclaimed, looking at you like you were some kind of god. "Are you gonna join the CCG now?"

"What? No. I'm gonna go study at university and choose a good career." You said. Welp, you just accidentally roasted every CCG investigator out there...

"Were the two guys hot?" Another boy asked, making you grimace.

"I mean, no... well, they were like nineteen, I don't know..." You started, feeling your cheeks burn up. "It's probably weird for me to say."

"You're just two years younger, it's not weird." He encouraged. "How hot were they?"

"I don't know, average hot?" You lied. They were more than just average and you damn well knew it. Especially Urie.

"And what about Torso? Was he ho-" You cut the boy off before he could even finish that screwed up sentence.

"Alright, that's really screwed up, man! You guys just piss off. I'm done story telling." You snapped, effectively making the small group disperse throughout the cafeteria. You could still hear them talking about you...

"You don't seem to like being a superstar." Your friend said. "I'm sorry I didn't ask you if you needed a drive yesterday." He added, frowning. "You wouldn't have gone through that if I asked."

"It's fine, Keagan." You assured, waving him off. "You had no idea what'd happen if I stepped in that cab, and to be honest, neither did I. I'm still alive, am I not?" You said, smiling at him to cheer him up.

"Yeah, alive and scarred for life." He said, frowning. You shook your head.

"Surprisingly, I'm not scarred." You said. "I just-"

"There they are!" Someone yelled out. His voice rang out through the whole cafeteria, making everyone go silent.

Oh shit, was someone gonna beat you up?

You twisted your body on your chair, eyes widening when you spotted Shirazu running towards you like he expected you to run away once you spotted him. Behind him, you spotted Urie and Haise Sasaki walking, the pudding haired male seemingly embarrassed for shark boy over here making a scene. A scene you were forced into, as well.

"You just left yesterday!" He exclaimed. "The medics didn't even get a look at you, and we didn't interrogate you yet!"

"Mister Shirazu," you started, ignoring the way the everyone were now looking at the two of you. The blonde shut up at your formality, apparently blushing. "I'm sorry, I was just very tired."

"That's no excuse to run away from the CCG. If it weren't for Torso, we could have thought you were a ghoul." Urie interfered, giving you a cold look that sent shivers down your spine. And not the good kind.

"Yeah, sorry... But can we not hold an interrogation here?" You pleaded, glancing around the cafeteria.

"Of course." Haise smiled. "I arranged things to get you the day off so we can bring you to the main office. It's irresponsible of you to go to school the day after you were attacked by a ghoul, miss (L/N)."

"Oh, right, right." You said, before looking at your friend with a sorry look. "See you tomorrow, I guess?"

"Yeah, no. Take tomorrow off too to make sure you're actually okay." Keagan proposed. That might be a good idea, after all...

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