XV : Weird

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A/N: I feel like this is going a bit too fast for a slow burn so oopsy daisy. But I love Shirazu and this boy deserves love and affection. This chapter sounds sort of unnecessary but it's sorta cute (minus sad Ginshi I mean).

You settled down on the couch next to Urie, who was surprisingly not in his room.

"Not scared of human interaction today, Kuki?" You teased.

"Not today." He retorted, apparently going along with your remark. That made you sort of giddy. Your favourite character finally tolerated you, and you felt like had won at life.

"What a miracle." You sighed, leaning back into the cushions and glancing at the news paper he was reading, instantly frowning. "Brutal murder in Beresford?" You read out loud.

"Aogiri's targeting that area more and more. I think they want us to think that's where they're hidden now."

"They used to be there. Cameron said so." Upon saying the man's name, you shut up, taken by a sudden nausea. Right, he was dead... Because of you...

Urie glanced at you before going back to the article once again. "Don't feel guilty for that ghoul. He had it coming." He said rather monotonously, although you had a feeling that was as good as it was going to get when getting comforted by Urie Kuki.

"I can't help it, he was still nice to me..."

"And so was Naki. What, are you gonna freeze if we ever have to fight against him and the White Suits?"

You sighed and pouted. "Probably... He'll be heartbroken when he realizes I'm a quinx."

"Don't pity ghouls. They're murderers." Urie scolded.

You were about to retort, but decided against it. It would be sort of suspicious if you said anything to support them, after all. Plus, the man had a reason to hate them, they killed his father...

"Sorry." You apologized. "Anyways, how've you been doing? I see you're making progress since I talked with you."

Urie shrugged. "Your logic made sense. If I get nothing out of this though, rest assured that I'm blaming it on you."

You faked a shiver. "Oooh, the infamous Kuki's gonna kill me!" You mocked. "Try to hurt me and you'll have Haise, Shirazu and possibly Mutsuki on your back, you know. I'm protected." You teased while hugging yourself to emphasize the whole 'protected' thing.

The male sighed. "You're getting sort of annoying, you know. Don't you have things to do?"

"I finished the reports I had to write, I walked in on Mutsuki changing, I woke Saiko up, I ruined Haise's pun... No, the only thing left on my everyday list is annoying you." You cheerily said, flashing him your brightest smile.

"You act like my sibling." He muttered, rolling his eyes at you. You expected your smile to falter from being called his sibling and getting... familyzoned? But you felt nothing of the sort. If anything, you felt proud of that.

"Is that what you want? A sibling? Is that why you act salty around me?" You smirk, leaning towards him.

"Shut up." He groaned, pushing you away.

"Aw, Kuki! Don't push your little sibling away! I love you!" You said, making grabbing motions towards him with your hands.


You turned towards the kitchen counter, curious of what just fell on the ground. Making eye contact with Ginshi, you beamed at him. "Oh, hey! I didn't notice you! How long have you been around?"

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