XXI : Drunk Off Their Asses

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A/N: The title means exactly what you think, but the reader isn't drinking because that'S ILLEGAL. But in New Brunswick the legal drinking age is 19 sO DRUNK QUINXES! YAY! This chapter is a riot.

(@Evegonnafindyou Lol quansque j'écrivais Drunk Tooru y me faisait vraiment penser à SJ. J'imagine qu'il rit comme yelle aussi.)

You were snapped out of your thoughts when giggling reached your ears, followed by semi-heavy footsteps coming to your room.

You sat up in bed, expecting Saiko to bust into your room, only to be met with a grinning Tooru instead, shocking you greatly.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He slurred, stumbling into your room, causing you to frown. What was wrong with him? "You should like, really come down stairs! It's a quinx reunion! Ginshi went out and got some drinks and it's super good!"

You suspiciously eyed Tooru. "Mucchan, are you... drunk?"

Mutsuki conspiratorially smirked before putting a finger on his lips. "Shhhhh..." He then walked towards you, tugging on your arm. "But come on! It's not a quinx reunion without you! And you can drink, we won't mind!"

"I'm not drinking any alcohol, I'm underage!" You exclaimed, having no choice but to follow the drunk male who tugged you out of your room, nuzzling his face into your arm as he guided you downstairs. Tooru was a really affectionate drunk, apparently...

"I got 'em!" He exclaimed, leaving your side to run to Saiko. "Did I do good? Was that good?"

The small girl smirked and gave the boy a thumbs up, who cheered. "Yes!"

You looked around, noticing Urie all by himself close to the kitchen counter, a beer in his hand. You were hoping he wasn't drunk, but with the look on his face, you doubted it.

"Hey, Kuki. Are you okay?" You asked, looking around for Shirazu while Urie thought of his answer.

"Yeah, I'm just concentrating." He answered. You sighed upon hearing how normal it sounded. Maybe he wasn't drunk off his ass like Tooru was. Then again, you had a feeling Tooru just couldn't hold his liquor to save his life.

"Concentrating on what?" You asked, going to the fridge to get yourself some apple juice so you could 'technically' drink with them.

Once you were next to the man again, he briefly looked at you before looking down at his feet, swaying to the front a bit before going back. "Standing."

You nearly choked on your drink. Shit, Urie was drunk too? Were they all  drunk? And where was Shirazu? You were hoping he wasn't out to get more booze...


You snapped your head towards Mutsuki, shocked that the boy had the ability to yell that loudly.

"I think you can't." Saiko calmly replied, taking a sip from her red solo cup. "I'll film you to prove it."

"I'LL DO IT AND NAIL THE LANDING!" The green haired boy exclaimed before rushing past you to go attempt to put on his shoes. Key word: Attempt. The boy had more trouble putting those on than a three-year old.

"Do what, Mucchan?" You calmly asked, trying not to excite the boy further more.

Tooru looked at you, nearly expressionless before giving up on his shoes and getting back up, pointing at you. "I'LL DO IT FOR (Y/N)!" He yelled at Saiko before turning to you. You braced yourself for his loud voice, but he decided to speak in a quieter voice for you. "I'm gonna backflip from the roof and stick the landing." He explained, a determined expression on his face.

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