IV : It's A(n Unfortunate) Match!

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A/N: I can't believe I have to do so much research on one small canadian town for this but Bathurst is actually sort of cute so lets corrupt it with ghouls

"We'll be right back, alright?" Haise asked as you settled down in a chair in front of the doctor who was supposed to check for injuries imposed on you by Torso.

"Alright, take your time!" You said cheerfully, waving goodbye to the three boys who exited the room, before turning to the doctor. "Hello!" You greeted.

"Hello, I'm doctor White, it's nice to meet you..."

"(Y/N)!" You answered, subtly impressed. You were expecting another Japanese character, but you guessed Canadians were in the CCG too, now.

"So you're the lucky survivor--extend your arms forward, please--, you don't look so disturbed." The doctor said, looking at your arms, probably to assess stuff that was medically too advanced for you to understand.

"I'm sort of surprised that I'm this calm too to be honest. I never got attacked by a ghoul before." You answered as Doctor White lost interest in your arms, but twisted his chair around to grab a syringe.

"It's not everyone that handles it like you do." He agreed, messing around with the tool before looking at you. "Do you know what your usual RC count is?" He asked.

You shook your head. "No, I never had my blood drawn before, so I don't know."

"I see, we'll check it out today, alright? Look away if you feel uneasy about the blood." He said, taking your arm and feeling around for the vein. You listened to his advice and turned your head towards the door, wincing when you felt the needle plunge in your skin.

"So why are we looking for my RC cell count?" You suspiciously asked.

"To see if Torso could have destabilized it somehow. We don't know every thing about ghouls yet, so it remains a possibility." He explained. "Done."

With that, you turned your head forwards again. That made you think... Did you even have any RC cells? You were born in a world where RC cells didn't exist... Did you magically grow some during the weird operation?

Doctor White poured your blood in a small machine that looked like an ultra complicated blender, before activating it and turning back to you. Probably a centrifuge force tool thing to separate the cells. "Have you noticed any thing weird about your body? Like odd feelings, maybe hurting somewhere? Anything that could be medically alarming?" He asked, picking up a clip board.

"Uh, no... Just some bruising, but that's because of the struggle and the fact that I got thrown onto the ground, I think."

"And you didn't break any skin, or have any blood to blood contact with the ghoul? Any contact with its kagune?"

"None, doctor. He did touch me, though." You answered truthfully, watching him scribble down notes and such.

"What kind of scar attracted Torso to you?"

"One from a minor operation I had a month ago."

"What was the purpose of the operation?"

"Simply a small... I don't know, it was some kind of 'safe tumor' or something, like a cyst. They had to remove it." You hesitantly said. The doctors weren't so clear on that... Now that you thought about it, who was to say it was a minor scale operation?

The size of your scar, (Y/N). You mentally scolded. It's too small, stop being paranoid.

"Alright," Doctor White nodded. "Now, how old are you?"

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