XIII : The Morning After

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A/N: Someone gets a little excited from being told their new found crush loves them ;) I apologize, no fanfiction of mine can be completely innocent.

You sighed as your back landed in your comfy bed. You were completely exhausted by the events of today and you were so ready to just pass out.

You closed your eyes, ready for sleep to take you, until a sound was picked up by your heightened hearing.


You frowned and sat up. You couldn't exactly pinpoint from where it came from, but it was coming from the third floor alright. And it sounded oddly weird...

A low groan followed, making you gape at exactly what you were hearing. Someone was actually...

Damn your quinx hearing. You didn't want to ear your friends masturbating in the middle of the night...

But who was it? You could rule out Saiko, since that voice was way too low for it to be her. And it wasn't Sasaki because he wasn't back home yet, being knocked out cold and all, and he wouldn't be until morning, probably...

It was either Shirazu or Urie. You'd be really surprised if it was Mutsuki, but you assumed it wasn't him.

You fell back on the bed and pressed a pillow against your ears, drowning out the noises. You really didn't want to be hearing those noises right now. Who in their right mind had enough energy left after that mission to jack off?

Turning on your side, you did your best to block out the noises and closed your eyes, praying whoever was out there that you could fall asleep already.

"Good morning." You muttered, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

"Morning!" Tooru and Haise exclaimed, making you wince. How were they such morning people..?

"G'morning." Shirazu muttered back, slouched over the kitchen counter. You joined next to him and nearly didn't notice Urie sitting at the table reading a newspaper.

"Good morning, Kuki." You said. Mutsuki flinched and cringed, probably thinking the man was going to chew you out for calling him by his first name.

"Hm?" The squad leader looked up, gaze locking on yours. "Oh, morning." He answered without a single trace of negativity in his voice before looking back down at the paper in front of him.

"E-eh!?" Tooru stuttered out, looking between you and Urie in confusion. "That's... That's the first time I hear him talk to you without hatred hinted in his voice!" He exclaimed.

Haise suspiciously glanced at the two of you. "What happened between you and Urie, (Y/N)..?" He asked, although he seemed to look unsure of whether or not he wanted to hear the answer.

"Oh my gosh, that's what..." Mutsuki gasped before furiously blushing.

"Huh?" You tilted your head, trying to figure out why Haise looked so uncomfortable. "We just... Oh!" You exclaimed once you realized what he thought had happened. "It's nothing like that!"

"But you went in his room yesterday, no?" Mutsuki asked. "I-It's okay, we can't judge, but you two were sort of loud..."

"They walked out! They haven't done anything of that sort!" Shirazu butted in, saving you from the two investigators that obviously had their heads in the gutter.

"Yeah, we just talked! Urie and I are on good terms, yeah, but I swear I didn't do anything more than hug him!" You quickly explained.

"You hugged him?" Haise said, unbelieving.

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