XVI : Shortcut

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A/N: SHOUT OUT TO MY TWO MOST DEVOTED FANS @_DhangerDhaddy_ ( Love you sinner) AND GENEVE (If you got all the way here gurl, you're a fan and you can't get out of it. Welcome to the Tokyo Ghoul fandom, Napoleon Bitch. Keep fuckin reading)!

Also, I made a reference to Finding Nemo in this and I just felt like adding a link to the scene I was referring to so here you go! Childhood flashbacks

"I can't believe Suzuya wants us to use (Y/N) as bait." Shirazu grumbled from beside you as you walked towards the area where you were supposed to lure Torso.

"I don't blame him, really... I did find out that I'm pretty decent at acting. Or maybe he's just taking revenge over the whole me talking back to him thing." You answered, making Mutsuki cringe at the memory.

"It doesn't help that, revenge or no revenge, you're still relatively new. You could easily die." Urie added.

"Aw, do you care about me or do you just want my spot as the victim here?" You asked. Urie didn't bother to answer to your teasing, so you just continued. "And I'll have you know that I  was the one who stabbed Torso in the eye with Shirazu's quinque? I think I'll be good. We'll kill this bastard before he can even say my name."

"Don't be afraid to bail if we don't get there soon enough, alright?" Ginshi worriedly asked. It made you feel nice that he worried so much about you... Well, he sort of needed you alive, considering you were part of the reason why his sister could still get the ROS treatments without going broke...

"I'll be alright. And you've got the Suzuya squad coming up soon, so we should be good." You added, trying to make the three boys finally see the positive side of things. You turned your head to convince Tooru and noticed an alleyway behind him which you assumed led to the spot where the battle would go down.

"Let's go that way." You said, pointing at the alley. "It's a short cut."

"And it's also dark. If a ghoul finds us in there, they might have the advantage. Let's just walk here and listen to what Sasaki said." Urie argued while Mutsuki simply grimaced at the alley.

"The advantage? We're four Quinxes! We automatically have an advantage over one measly ghoul. Come on, we're taking the alley, guys. We'll be there earlier." With that, you headed towards the alleyway, a determined bounce in your walk.

"This feels familiar..." Mutsuki said, hesitantly following you.

"Yeah, it reminds me of that 'over the trench, through the trench' scene from Finding Nemo." Shirazu added, deciding to follow you as well.

"See? If it reminds you of that, then we gotta avoid the jellyfish by going THROUGH it!" You exclaimed, pointing in front of you.

"OI! Isn't the Squad Leader ME?" Urie yelled at you. "I SAY we walk where we can actually see where we're going!"

"And I've got the majority's votes! Follow me!" You heard Urie let out a groan of annoyance before begrudgingly following you.

"I fucking hate you." He muttered.

"It's alright, it's a sibling thing, no?" You teased smugly, proud that you got Urie fucking Kuki  to follow you.

"This is pretty creepy though..." Mutsuki commented, shivering.

"Oh come on, this is Bathurst! It's a friendly town." You assured, before your calm expression fell. "Well, except for like, Aogiri and Torso and the One-Eyed Owl and stuff..."

"Yeah, exactly, so I say we go back and not risk our lives for nothing." Urie grumbled. He sounded like a child.

"Too bad, we're already--"

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