XXIII : Late

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A/N: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS BOTH PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE (sorta). READ AT YOUR OWN RISKS. But i mean you guys read Tokyo Ghoul so I mean this is just Kaneki 2.0 here. Basically Root A.

The quinx squad rushed through the small alleyways, adrenaline pumping through their veins when they realized how close they were to you. Just a few more meters and they'd come flying to the rescue, annahilating the enemy and bringing you home safely. They were so close to their goal...

But so far.

Turning the last coner, Shirazu already took out his kagune, ready to kill whoever was causing you trouble but there was no one to kill. There was no one at all, just a broken cell phone lying on the ground.

He skidded to a stop, before glancing down at Saiko's phone, still in his hands.

"(Y/N)?" The male called out, a shaky grin on his face. "It's alright to come out now, we're here for you!"

No answer.

"Shiragin... I'm sorry..." Saiko muttered, tears gathering in her eyes.

"What are ya sorry about? They'll pop out any moment now! (Y/N)! It's okay, we're here! You can come out!" Ginshi nervously glanced behind him and his squad, before looking back at the phone on the ground.

"Shirazu, they're not here..." Urie muttered, walking in front of his colleague to pick up your phone. "We're too late. I'm sorry."

The small smile that had appeared quickly faded away at what Urie was implying.

"Well... Where are they? We'll get them, right? We'll just ask Sassan for help and we'll get (Y/N) back!" He insisted. There was no way you weren't somewhere out there, fighting for freedom. Wherever you were right now, Ginshi vowed that he'd find you and bring you home.

"They might not... Be here at all." Mutsuki muttered from behind him. "Shirazu, I'm really sorry."

"Why are you guys apologizing like I'm the only one who should be sad right now?" The blonde said. "They were a part of our family! We don't just assume they're dead and give up, right? RIGHT?"

Before Ginshi could go around and blame each quinx for your disappearance, Saiko stepped forwards and hugged him, crying into his back.

"We miss them too." She wailed. "But... We don't know anything and--" The small girl simply buried her face into Shirazu's back and cried.

Even he didn't have the heart to start yelling at Urie and Mutsuki anymore. He only turned around and hugged Saiko back, barely managing to fight back tears of his own.

All he could do was comfort Saiko and hope that you were alright.

"No... Don't touch me!" You screeched, recoiling from the tall man in front of you, although you really couldn't back away that much, being chained to a chair and all...

The sledge hammer only approached your leg even more, causing you to screech. "Don't! Please!" You begged. You had already gotten your kneecaps busted ten minutes ago and they were already fully healed. You didn't want to get hurt again!

"(Y/N)." Yamori said shakily. You could see that he was trying really hard not to show how much he really enjoyed this, even if he hadn't been at it for more than thirty minutes. "What's nine-hundred and seventy-two minus seven?" Yamori asked once more while you shook your head.

"I'm not counting down!" You exclaimed. "I'm not stupid, I know you won't do shit to me until I keep counting!"

The man groaned. "Apparently, you are stupid." He sighed. "As soon as you reach zero, you get a break. Don't you understand that?" He explained, letting go of the sledge hammer and turning around on to get something on the table while you shook in fear.

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