II : (Semi) Naked and Afraid

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With much forgetting on your part, you had successfully put the cab incident behind you. You didn't want to think about it again, and decided to focus on school and swimming instead.

Sadly, you had been dragged back into the confused state a week after you were allowed to swim competively again, when a friend of yours informed you of the death of a student from your school.

"Yeah, you remember the girl from 11th grade that had self harm scars? Apparently the found her- well, her torso. They said it was a ghoul." She had said, freaking you out.

Why was your friend talking about ghouls so normally? They were fictional. This wasn't something she should be kidding about.

Or so you told yourself for the past three weeks.

You were proven wrong when you heard more and more people talking about things related to them. Ghoul murders, CCG, wanting to join the said CCG after high school... Had the world gone mad? Had Canada gone mad?

Apparently so.

But that just gave you one more question in mind.

How the hell were you not dead yet? You damn well knew who Torso was, he knew who you were, where you lived, and he never tried to kill you, or your family. You were basically awaiting your death now, and it never came. That was incredibly odd, considering you had scars and all, basically what torso was looking for in victims.

"So, how do you think you'll do when the meet season starts?" Your friend asked as you both exited the pool, tired and drained from practice.

"Terrible." You answered. "I'm rusty, I think I won't get my peak until may."

"Well, that's still good! You'll be at your peak for the provincial team! Can't wait for Beast this year!" He cheered, making you smile.

"Yeah, can't wait either." You said, slightly tensing when the taxi you had called pulled up at the pool's parking lot, because your parents couldn't pick you up because of work, meaning you had no car to drive, either. Henceforth, taxi. Yay.

"Well, see you at school tomorrow?" Your friend asked, which you nodded to and waved him goodbye before climbing in the taxi without asking the question you usually did. Really bad move.

"(Y/N), what a surprise!" You heard the dreadingly familiar voice exclaim. You fought back a terrified expression with the best of your strength before looking at the man.

"Oh, hello mister Saeki..." You greeted quietly.

"Please, call me Karao." He insisted, before driving away, forcing you to remain in the car. Shit... "So you swim, then?" He asked, his eyes still on the road in front of him. Was he not going to ask you where he had to drop you off?

"Uh, yes..." You answered. Short answers, don't give any more personal information, and pray for a not so painful death... That was your plan tonight.

Instead of driving on the road he chose, Saeki pulled up at an empty parking lot, in front of a church. Shit...

"You must have a very healthy body, then..." He sighed, eyeing you like you were a piece of meat. Which you probably were, for him at least.

Your hand automatically went to the door, which was miraculously unlocked. You swing it open, quickly unfastening your seat belt and throwing yourself out of the car. It didn't do much. Karao simply stepped out before rushing to your side, pinning you down on the dirty ground.

"Don't try to escape!" He pleaded. "Don't worry, though. You'll be incapable of escaping soon, I just need to check one thing." With that, he basically ripped your shirt in two, eyes instantly falling on the scar you had from your operation. Great, just great...

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