VIII : New Job

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"Have fun at work!" Haise called out while you smiled and waved, attempting to hide your nervousness. "You have my number on speed dial, right?"

"Yes, I'll call if ever things go south!" You promised.

"Oi." You turned your head at Ginshi, who looked a bit too nervous for your liking.

"I'll be fine. I may be the baby in this family but I can still defend myself!" You said, attempting to calm him down. "I didn't train for nothing, and I think I'm good with knifes now, too!"

"Yeah, I know. Just don't hesitate to run if you need to." He said, sheepishly rubbing his head. "It'd be a shame if you died already, being new and all. And your parents would kill us, too."

"I know when to bail, no worries!" You nodded, gripping your bag tighter. "Well, see ya after work, good bye!"

Haise, Shirazu and Mutsuki all waved good bye as you walked out of the Chateau, heading towards the café for your first day at work.

You were surprised at how smoothly the job interview had went. Cameron, the one you suspected of being Spider, must have known you were a 'half ghoul', and seemed pleased to give you the job. Maybe it was about half ghouls being stronger than normal ghouls... He might be expecting you to protect the café and all.

"There's the newbie." The man smirked, watching you walk into the empty café.

"Hi!" You greeted. "I'm not late, am I? You said 8:30 right?"

Cameron shook his head. "No worries. You're a bit early, actually, but that's fine. There's still a few things I need to go over with you."

"Oh, alright." You replied, dropping your bag behind the counter and turning towards the ghoul. "What do I need to know?"

"Ever heard of Aogiri?" Cameron said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I'm sort of a fan, actually. Even if I'm too cowardly to join them... I like their ideals." You flawlessly lied. "What about them?" You tilted your head to the side.

"They come here a lot for information, and you're expected to give it to them if they need it." He said seriously. "Usually, the White Suits are the ones to take care of it, although I've seen Three Blades and Rabbit around sometimes."

You nodded before frowning. "I understand, but I'm not updated with anything... I'm pretty much in the dark when it comes to the ghoul world..." You shamefully admitted.

"That's okay, I'll give you updates!" He was too trusting... You felt sort of bad for the guy. "And besides, maybe it was a good thing you were in the dark, it makes you seem more human."

You laughed. "Yeah, it does, doesn't it?"

"Here, I'll tell you a bit of what I know right now, and you can tidy up the place before customers come in, yeah?"

"'Course!" With that, you grabbed the rag and spray bottle he gave you and went around scrubbing the tables clean while he explained the things he knew about other ghoul organizations, the CCG, new updates on the scientific world... pretty much anything Aogiri would want.

"And do we get anything back?" You asked curiously. "It seems pretty one sided..."

"They protect us." Cameron answered. "Giving them information is just a way to save my ass, really. I got some close calls in the past and I owe them my life because of it, so..."

You nodded and sat down behind the cash register, watching as Cameron unlocked the front door.

"What about you? What kind of troubles did humans give you?" He asked.

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