IX : Worries

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You shoved another spoonful of soup in your mouth, slightly freaked out by how silent you all were except for the occasional clink of spoons against the bowls as your squad ate in silence.

"So..." You started, hoping to break the ice. "What did I miss today?"

"Not much." Haise answered. "We just trained for an hour or two."

"Ah." You nodded, hoping someone would add something. Hell, you turned to Shirazu thinking he'd say something, anything... Yet, nothing. What the heck was going on here?

"I uh..." You dug in your head for anything you could talk about. "Infiltrating the café was way easier than what we thought." You spoke. Everyone rose their heads to look at you. It seems you got their attention now. "I think Cameron smelled that I was a 'half-ghoul' and trusted me just like that. They're aware that the CCG's calm these days, and apparently an anti-aogiri group will attack them in no time. Is the CCG going to interfere?"

Sasaki shook his head. "I don't think so, no. We're not going to risk lives when ghouls could basically do our work." He explained, making you nod. It seemed like logic.

"What else happened today?" Shirazu curiously asked.

"Well, I befriended Naki." That caused everyone (minus Saiko) to gasp or gape. Urie included, even though it soon turned into disinterest. You were growing more and more immune to his behaviour towards you, but when will he realize you're not trying to steal the number one spot, damn it?

"Wha- you mean Naki from the White Suits?" Mutsuki asked, incredule.

You nodded calmly. "Yeah. He was actually really nice to me. A bit naïve and innocent, yeah, but he was respectful. I can't imagine him as the ruthless killer the CCG makes him out to be."

"You have to remember that they're ghouls. And from Aogiri, too. They might act that way, but they're in that organization for a reason." Haise semi-scolded. "And don't consider yourself his friend, the CCG might not take that the way you are." He added, making you frown.

"Yeah..." You trailed off, before Shirazu cut in.

"I don't think it's safe anymore." He said, a hint of worry in his voice. "I mean, Naki's in the White Suits, and Jason's the leader of the White Suits. If that bastard find out who (Y/N) is, they'll be coming for them. Not that I care about-- I mean, I do care about them," He looked at you to emphasize his point and you nodded. "But I wanna save my ass too. They'll figure out they live here and then we'll all be fucked."

Mutsuki nodded at Ginshi's words while Urie simply rolled his eyes.

"I see where you're coming from," Haise said. "But (Y/N)'s doing perfectly fine posing as the half-ghoul Rin. As long as the One-Eyed owl doesn't interfere, we'll be alright."

"But... What if something does happen?" Mutsuki asked worriedly. "I trust (Y/N) too, but we can never know if Aogiri thinks they're trustworthy."

"Then we'll be there to back them up, no? Sassan said so." Shirazu answered. Where did his hesitance from a while ago run off to? That man was more complicated than a Rubik's cube sometimes.

"That's right. But, so far, so good." The superior said. "Knock on wood."

Five fists hit the table three times before you all let out chuckles and giggles. There was the liveliness of the Quinx squad.

"Hey, watcha doin'?" Ginshi asked as he sat down next to you on the couch, eyeing the TV with curiosity as you paused the volleyball game you were watching.

"Just watching the volleyball nationals, why?" You asked with fake suspicion.

"I thought you swam." He answered. What did that have to do with anything?

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