XXVII : Déjà Vu

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"Aye, little champion's up!" The loud voice made you wince. "Oh, sorry, was I too loud?"

"Obviously." Another muttered. "Seriously, they're just waking up. Give them a break, won't you?"

"Shut up." The first one grumbled.

Your eyes slowly opened, being met with the ceiling and a peak of a head of dark green hair.

"(Y/N)!" A male with pink hair appeared in your field of view, making you lazily smile.

"Hey, Touma." You greeted, voice a bit hoarse. "How long was I out?"

"About an hour or so. Damn, you sound hot even when you just wake up from surgery!" Higemaru praised, smirking. You simply rolled your eyes and finally gave some attention to the two unnoticed souls.

"Nice to see you, Ching-Li. And you too, Shinsanpei." You greeted, flashing the two a heartwarming smile while your body slowly started to wake up.

"Back at you." The girl with black hair calmly answered. "Sorry for Touma, I was about to kick him out when you started gaining consciousness and he just wouldn't budge." She apologized.

"It's fine, he's my friend for a reason. That being, I can actually deal with him." You waved her apologies off.

"So? How was it, being under?" Higemaru obnoxiously asked. "Any cool dreams? Weird hallucinations? Did you end up in an alternate universe where you're dating Aura like I predicted?"

"Higemaru!" The tall man at the foot of your bed exclaimed, his neck becoming visibly red (you didn't know about his face since most of it was hidden behind his dark green hair, but you had an idea of how red it was).

"First of all, you never predicted that Aura and I would date--"

"I meant the alternate universe, not the dating. You two really aren't compatible."

"And second of all, I can recall dreaming, but I don't know of what. It's like those annoying mornings where your brain tells you 'hey, you had this awesome dream last night!' and when you ask what it is, it just goes 'dunno, don't care.' It's really troubling." You shut up for about half a second before frowning at Touma. "Hey! Shinsanpei and I would be more than compatible if he were into me and I, him!" You scolded.

"Alright, alright, sorry!" The pink haired man raised both of his hands in his defense. "Anyways, the docs said that they'd come back soon to check on you and that you should be good to go. I was thinking about going to a café nearby, to get some strength back thanks to the miracle that is food." You could practically see him drooling.

"Sure." You shrugged, before turning towards Ching-Li. "You and Shinsanpei are coming along, right?" You asked, feigning fear. "I don't wanna be stuck with him..."

"Of course." Aura nodded. "But just if the doctors let you go." He clarified, probably glaring at Higemaru through his bangs.

"Right, but I think you should be good. It was just a minor surgery after all." Ching-Li added.

You nodded before furrowing your brows, an odd feeling coursing through your body. "Hey, we're in September, right?" You asked out of the blue, earning odd looks from your three friends.

"Yeah, why?" Touma answered.

"I don't know, I just have this weird feeling that it's supposed to be Christmas soon or something..." You shrugged off the sensation and turned your attention to the doctor who entered your room with your chart in hand.

"And then, apparently, that girl from the concert band tried to bring her tuba in class for the tale recital we had!" Touma explained, chuckling before taking a sip of his latte. "Band kids are weird." He muttered.

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