XXIV : Convert

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A/N: I really don't know how I'm feeling about this chapter, it just seems... eh. Sorry for the shit writing you guys, the plot seemed better in my head. ;-;

"Alright, I'll come back tomorrow to ask you again!" She exclaimed, waving goodbye at you before heading for the only exit in this horrible room.

Eto had been doing this to you for a week straight now and she could physically see the toll Yamori's torture was taking on you. She didn't give up, though. Your deteriorating mental state only gave her more determination to make you crack. One day, you will beg her to take you away and 'save' you. One day, you'll accept her offer and Eto will gladly 'save' you from the claws of Yamori. It was only a matter of time before you gave in and let her do even more terrible things to you.

"Wait." You whimered. The half-ghoul smirked, keeping her back to you.

"Yes, what is it?" She sweetly asked, feigning concern.

"Save me. Please." Your voice shakily whispered.

"Why, of course! It's the least I could do!" Eto exclaimed, skipping back to you to free you of your chains. "And you won't need this anymore!" The girl pulled the long and bloody centipede out of your head.

"Goodbye, Kaneki." You muttered. Yeah, Yamori had broken you alright.

"I don't think Jason'll mind if I borrow this." The woman humouristically said, slipping an arm under your knees and the other on your back, lifting you from the chair and carrying you away from the torture chamber. "Time to train you now." She darkly muttered.

At this point, you didn't have the mental strength to even wonder which torture was more tolerable. On one side, Yamori actually made efforts to keep you sane. Eto just did what she had to ruthlessly, not even sparing your mental health, but after the broke your frames and converted you into a ghoul, you couldn't even feel pain anymore and you lost the ability to make choices on your own, somehow. The girl managed to actually brainwash you. She managed to reset your brain and program you as she thought fit, and you had no idea, because, well... You weren't even there anymore. Little by little, she was forcing you into the back of your mind, locking you up for good. This was Haise Sasaki all over again.

"Look at you!" Eto clapped her hands before leaning in and wiping a few chunks of flesh off your face. "Aw, you're so well trained as well! You're not biting me anymore."

She took a few steps back, admiring your weak, panting figure. Your twin kakugan was activated, visible veins pumping blood into it to keep it alive and strong. Your ears were plugged with bluetooth ear buds she forced in, blasting what she knew was your favourite music type. She couldn't have her pet feel sad now, could she? That jazz music should keep you happy and keep the hate away from your ears, because Eto cares about her pets, of course.

"Aren't you happy?" She sweetly asked.


"Ah, of course you are! You're such an obediant and wonderful pet, love!" She praised. "I did a fairly nice job on you, I deserve a pat on the back. Now, do you feel hungry?"


"Ah, well tell me if you do! I've got plenty more backstabbers you might enjoy eating. Remind me, (Y/N), what are backstabbers?"

"Unimportant people."

"Good answer! You're such a smart little thing! And what happens to unimportant people?"

"They die at our hands."

"Of course! Who are the important people?"


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