XXII : Throwing Hands

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You walked into the Walmart, unfolding the little list Saiko gave you and frowning when you read it.

Juice, Gatorade, crackers, Aleve (the gel ones), painkillers, Advil, painkillers, Tylenol, Powerade, painkillers...

Oh, wow. That's a lot of medicine.

You decided not to question her and went to gather the food first, although you did make a mental note to watch out for those four when they would be taking the pills, because the last thing you wanted was them to get an overdose. That wouldn't be pretty, and you really didn't want Haise to scold you again.

Picking up a second box of cheese crackers, you frowned and looked between the two, wondering what kind Saiko wanted the most. Cheese or natural? Or maybe she wanted the pizza flavoured ones... Maybe barbeque? You had absolutely no idea, so you decided to just take a box of cheese flavoured ones and the pizza ones. You were probably going to eat too, so you might as well take the ones you liked.

Placing the two boxes in your basket, you backed away from the aisle only to bump into someone's chest.

"Shit, sorry!" You exclaimed, turning around to apologize to the person. "I didn't mean to..." Your sentence got stuck in the back of your throat when you noticed the odd but familiar blonde glaring at you with his only visible eye.

"Watch where you're going, kid." The guy who you assumed was Hooguro muttered, tugging on his scarf as if you had ruined it or something. Which you definitely didn't.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, I'll be more careful." You quickly promised before skedaddling out of the aisle. What the hell was Hooguro doing at a Walmart? And the thing that worried you most was if he was alone. Probably not, but you hoped Naki wasn't the one he was with, because that would be a fucking disaster.

Speed walking away, you frowned when another question popped up in your mind.

What the fuck was Hooguro doing looking at crackers if he can't even eat them?

You couldn't really figure that one out and you had no idea such a thing would be able to haunt you, but it did and probably will for all of eternity.

Shaking your head to dismiss the creepy thoughts, you nearly jumped out of your skin when your phone started buzzing in your back pocket.

Sighing, you took out the device, rolling your eyes when you noticed Saiko's phone number flashing on the screen. Oh, boy...

"Hello?" You spoke, heading towards the pharmacy to buy the medicine required.

"Hey, (Y/N). Listen, can you buy pickles too?" You heard Saiko ask worriedly. Why was she worried about pickles?

"No, why?" You retorted, searching through the shelves for the specific pills the odd girl asked for.

"You really need to. Urie has a craving for pickles and it's bad." She said, sounding like she was begging.

"How bad, exactly?"

"...He's licking Mucchan's hair thinking it's pickle flavoured." She sighed, and you could actually hear Tooru giggling like a little bitch in the background. A little adorable bitch, though.

"Oh, dear god..." You muttered, grimacing. "Listen, I'm not buying pickles. I'm already wasting enough money on food and the meds are going to cost a fortune. Just dip a banana in vinegar and feed it to him, I'm sure he's drunk enough to think it's a pickle." You stated, taking three bottles of each medicine brand she wanted.

Just then did you realize how weird you must sound to bystanders.

Checking to see if anyone actually heard you, you looked on one side of the aisle, satisfied to see no one there but when you turned the other way, expecting the same view, you accidentally made eye contact with another man that was possibly looking for medication as well.

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