VII : Spider Ma- uh, Ghoul

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You sat down at the couch, scratching the back of your head and feet propped up on Haise's lap while both of you, Ginshi and Urie waited for the two missing quinx.

"Jesus, Mutsuki's taking his sweet time alright." Shirazu sighed. "I just wanna get this started already..."

"Yeah, agreed, but we don't even know if Saiko's awake right now." You said, ruffling your hair.

"You should go get those two." Urie proposed, to which you nodded.

"Right, I'll be right back!" With that, you swung your legs off the couch and hurried to the staircase, where you climbed the stairs three by three.

Deciding to start with Mutsuki (since you might need help carrying Saiko down the stairs), you quietly knocked on the door before opening it.

"Tooru, dunno if you remember or not, but we--" You shut up once your eyes landed on his naked form. Well, at least he had pants on and was facing away from you, but still. You averted your eyes to the ceiling. "We had a mission to talk about." You finished.

Mutsuki simply stared at you for a while, which you could literally feel.

"Listen, I'm sorry for busting in, I should have waited until you answered the door..." You said, trying to apologize or at least not have him stare at you anymore. "For what it's worth, I think you have an attractive back..." Not helping the situation, (Y/N)...

"What is it with people and walking in on me naked?" You heard him mutter under his breath as he fastened his binder and pulled on a shirt.

"Want to talk about it?" You asked, keeping your eyes on the ceiling. "Still wanna go with male pronouns?"

"Please," He said. "You don't need to look at the ceiling anymore. And please don't tell anyone."

"I wouldn't dream of it." You nodded, following him out. "We have to go wake up Saiko first." You added as you watched him almost walk down the stairs. "I might need help."

"Right, right." He awkwardly nodded following you to the girl's room. "How are you so calm about it?" He asked.

"I'm calm about everything." You shrugged. "Thought you noticed by now."

"Yeah but it can't just be it." He pried, lowering his voice when the two of you were in front of Saiko's room.

"Sorry if I make you uncomfortable by saying this, but er... I smelled blood yesterday, when you brought me upstairs." You explained, not surprised by the confused expression he made, before raising his eyebrows and letting out a soft "oh."

Yeah, he can thank your heightened senses for that.

You nodded and opened the door, literally dragging the half sleeping girl down the stairs with a slightly embarrassed Mutsuki before settling back down on your spot on the couch, looking expectingly at Sasaki.

"Good, you're all here." He nodded.

"But not all awake." You reminded, nodding towards the half asleep Saiko on the floor.

"That's okay," Sasaki waves off. "Anyways, we got a new undercover mission."

You subconsciously straightened up at the mention of "undercover". This should be fun...

"There's this new place we suspect Aogiri is using to exchange information. It's a café a bit further downtown." Haise said. "The ghoul we're targeting is what the CCG believes to be called Spider, we think he's the owner of the café. He's looking for ghoul employees, I think."

You nodded. Apparently, Aogiri was still a thing as well... Good to know.

"So what's the undercover part of the mission?" Shirazu curiously asked.

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