XXVI : Surgery

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A/N: No, you can't print this. *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough* And you can't print the next chapter, either.

"Because Saiko loves you!"

The bikakus stopped a few centimetres away from Saiko's body, going stiff. Although your face didn't change, you started shaking.

"So if I go crazy, you guys'll have to kill me?" Shirazu said incredulously.

"I don't think I'd be able to do that..." Saiko muttered.

"Me neither." Tooru admitted while you nodded.

"If one of you guys gets out of control, I swear I will not hesitate to kill you (liarliarliarliarliarliarliar)." Urie (LIED), making you groan.

"I swear I'll never get out of control (liarliarliarliarliarilarliar)!" You bravely (LIED), placing a hand on where your heart should be. "It's a promise that I intend to (BREAK)."

"I swear too!" Saiko said, copying your movements.

"I swear I won't get out of hand." Mutsuki joined in.

"I swear!" Shirazu exclaimed.

You're such a liar.

Liars should be broken.

Liars are unimportant.

Lying should be broken.

Unimportant lies.

Broken by lies.

Sworn on lies.

You should be broken.

"(Y/N), I need you back! Urie needs you back! Mucchan needs you back! Shiragin! Shiragin misses you most! Please, please fight and come back!" Saiko pressed herself harder against you.

Don't get near me!

Don't touch me!

Don't you dare get that near my ear!

Don't touch my ear!

Don't get touch me!

Don't you dare near me!


You loudly cried out as you violently pushed Saiko away, falling on your back and going uncounscious, much to Urie, Saiko and Mutsuki's relief.

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