XII : Confrontation

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You stomped up the stairs and stopped in front of Urie's door. Before you could knock though, Mutsuki's door opened across the hall and he shot you a confused and sleepy glare. "What are you doing?" He muttered.

"I'm confronting someone about something." You answered. "Sorry if I woke you up."

Tooru waved it off before closing back his door muttering about how you should just walk like a normal person. You shrugged it off and finally hit your knuckles on the wooden door separating you from the little bitch on the other side.

In about thirty seconds, Urie finally opened the door and you glanced up at him. "We have things to talk about." You growled.

Seeing as the male wouldn't budge, you simply pushed passed him and walked into his room, closing the door just as Shirazu climbed up the stairs, probably wanting to stop you before it was too late.

It was too late.

Urie watched as you looked around before turning towards him and crossing your arms. "Why are you acting like such a bitch?" You boldly asked.

"I'm sorry?" The squad leader inquired, surprised that he might have heard you right.

"I said, why are you acting like a bitch around me? What have I done to deserve your undying hatred?" You clarified. You had no idea how you were so brave, but you were. You couldn't let that adrenaline go to waste now could you?

Kuki squinted his eyes at you, probably trying to figure out just what you were planning, but you weren't going to let him. You weren't going to let your favourite character turn into the character you despised the most because of some pity jealousy he had over your kagune.

"Listen, I know you desperately want a promotion. I know you're mad because I got the kakuja, I know that you feel intimidated because you think I'll be better than you, but that's not true. I'm not here to drown you in my shadow. I'm not here to interfere with your hopes and dreams, Kuki. I don't know if there's anything else you hate about me, but you have to know that I just want to get on your good side, damn it, so if you have anything to tell me that could help you tolerate me, say it!"

The male stared down at you indifferently. You nearly got pissed at him for it, but you decided to contain your anger because lashing out at him furthermore would probably be the death of you.

"There's nothing you can do." He finally muttered out, avoiding your intense gaze.

"Yes there is." You insisted. "There's always something we can do. We can talk about it and work it out. I'm not leaving this room until we're on good terms, Kuki."

"Talk about what?" He growled out, getting madder by the second.

"Talk about what always makes you glare at me. Talk about what makes you avoid me like you're superman and I'm kryptonite. Talk about why the hell you despise my guts when all I've done wrong is get in a cab with a ghoul." You said, desperately hoping he'd break and be cooperative. If he was gonna go on a rant about how he wanted you all to die, then so be it. You read and watched it once, you can handle it in real life like a champ. You just prayed that he'd say something that would help the situation.

"It's not your fault." He muttered. If you didn't your ghoulish hearing, you wouldn't have heard it.

"Then why are you taking it out on me?"

"Because I hate myself."

Your heart nearly broke at his words.

"I'm useless." He continued, gaze settled on the floor. "I keep fucking trying and I get nothing. And then you stumble upon this project and you barely have to raise your pinky to get praised. How is that fair? What makes me so invisible compared to you? Why did you fucking have to be here?"

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