Story 17-Chocolates Part 3

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Chocolates – Part 3

"Ai'Beam, did you read the text from Ai'Kit? He said he down with muscle pain. Said something about over-exercising," Pha says as he takes his seat beside Beam, then begins to eat.

Beam knows exactly what happened to Kit. Over-exercising. Yeah right. Over humping that is. Because of the Maxima chocolates.

"It's funny though, I rarely see Kit going to gym since he is with Ming. Remember those days when he has to go to gym everyday because he gets chubby real fast even he was barely eating? And now he stays slim even when he ate loads," Pha says while munching his rice.

"That's the power of love you dummy. And 36 hours makes anyone slim you know but I don't see that working with the love of your life. He looks rounder the last time I see him. Have you been fattening him up, secretly again?," Beam replies. Pha stops eating and sighs.

"What 36 hours? Anyway, look Beam, I don't have a choice. He has too many wolves trying to gobble him when I'm not around. I'm just doing my best to protect my wife," Pha says, attempting to defend his actions.

"How did you even do it, I wonder," Beam gives his best friend the look.

"Well, you have to swear not to tell him. I alter his pants and clothes and he doesn't notice it and every time he asks if he is fat, I did my magic and convinced him he is not fat and then, bla bla bla," Beam drifts off to what Pha is saying and he receives a texts.

From Ming.

[P'Beam, may I please see you after class? I need to ask about Maxima], Beam's jaws drops. He texts Ming quickly.

Beam find Ming waiting at a café nearby the Medical Campus. He immediately takes a seat opposite Ming. Ming is full of smiles.

"What do you want? Since you know about Maxima, how's my best friend? Is he pregnant yet?" Beams asks, cutting straight to the topic. Ming smiles again.

"I think with a few more he might just be. So P, can you tell me where you got those chocolates? I need more," Ming asks, anxiously. Beam sighs.

"Well, if you promise never to ever tell Kit that I was the source who got him knocked up, and if you swear that I don't have to visit his or your premature funerals then ok, I don't mind telling you. Deal?"

"Yes, I promise, with all my heart. If I break them, Kit can castrate me," Ming promises eagerly.

"That's harsh but whatever, your dick, your say. Ok, here's the address," Beam proceed to explain to Ming how to get to the mysterious chocolate shop.

And then they made a secret date to visit the chocolate shop together.

What an uncanny pair.   


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