Chapter 1

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My name is Blue Carter. My mom named me Blue because my eye color was light blue when I was born but now they change colors. I'm the only one of 5 kids to have had blue eyes everyone else just has hazel or green. I'm 19 years old, I'm in my second semester of college for business while minoring in music. I've lived here in Chicago since I was 5, we moved because of my moms job. I honestly wished we would've stayed in Texas. My father, Kevin is a part-time truck driver and part-time drug dealer while my mom, Brooke is a RN. I have ... well had an older brother, Kevin Jr he got shot by a police for pulling his pants up when we got pulled over, me and him were very close. Of course the police who did it didn't get in trouble but we're going to continue to fight for his justice. The second oldest is Bianca, me and her became closer after Kevin passed away. Then there's my brother Kacen and my twin brother Karson who's only 2 minutes older but acts like he's 3 years older. I have a boyfriend and his name is Dominic, I honestly don't see this relationship going anywhere, like I mean yeah I stay with my parents still but I'm in college most of my money went towards my future. Most of his money went towards shoes and shit he's not even going to wear, every time I try to bring up a place that's hiring he gets mad but here's what's funny he wants me to move in with him... and his grandma and his daddy and his sister and his brother and his uncle and I can really make a list of how many people stay in that one house and sexually he just doesn't make it past my ass cheeks. I don't know though I'm really thinking of calling it quits.


Today I'm going to cousin Ariana's house, some may know her as G Herbo's girlfriend. Me and her met at my brother's funeral she seen how hurt I was and since she's been through the same thing she knew everything to say. It started with her picking me up from school, to us going shopping, now its like we're inseparable. Me and Herb are close too he became like a big brother to me, he reminds me so much of Kevin.

When I walked in, I immediately grabbed Yosohn, " Give me my fucking son Blue!". Herb was territorial of his son but I ain't care I missed my little cousin so I continued with Yosohn on my hip to where Ari was. There was someone else on the couch across from Herb but I didn't really get a good look.

"Heey Blue Blue! What that nigga done did now?" She asked with her arm on her hip.

How the fuck she even knew what I came over here for is beyond me, "How the fuck-" before I could even finish she cut off.

"You only come over when I'm cooking or you need advice on that lil dick nigga".

I honestly couldn't even lie she was right but I admired Ari and Herb's relationship so I always asked for advice. "Girl I honestly just don't know how to break up with him, every time I suggest we go our separate ways he agrees and 3 days later calls back and I'm sucked back in."

She laughed me and said " Baby you not doing it right, tell that bitch you done and block his ass. End of story."

This is why I loved Ari she didn't hold shit back because we cousins she let that shit out. So I did exactly what she said and shot that nigga a text and block't him honey. After a while, Ari decided she wanted to take my box braids down and let me where my real hair for a bit but if you ask me she just wanted to try out her new flat iron. Once she was done she put it in a sleek bun and I was ready to go. It was already 10 pm and I had to get home to study for my math test tomorrow.

"I'm out Ari" I said as I was walking out her door. "Bye honey, see you later".


I honestly always dreaded going home especially when my mom was at work, My dad was an asshole and so were his friends.

" Hey Girl! Where you been and What the fuck you got on?" My dad said as I walked in.

I literally don't know why he be acting like this, as if he honestly gives a fuck.

"What do you mean Daddy, I got on a T-Shirt and leggings" I said out of annoyance.

"Them pants tight as hell on that tight booty" My dads friend, Ace said.

Ace was always perverted to me, he'd always look at me sexually and said sexual things and what did my dad do? Absolutely nothing. I just continued up the stairs to my room to start studying.

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