Chapter 12

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3 weeks later...

Being 3 managers in one is stressful, I tried to keep going to college regular but I gave up after a day but I did not give college up completely I just switched online where I can do it at night but between the back and forth with Bib I'm pooped even more than usual lately.

We're in LA right now and luckily I can have a rest day since I have to plan for this tour. I think I have food poisoning because I've been throwing up like crazy, Ari thinks I'm pregnant but I can't be because my- holy fuck, I'm late!

"ARI, MY PERIOD IS LATE!!!" I said basically running down the stairs of the condo that me and Bib bought last week.

"Bitch I told you, Here you go" She said handing my every type of pregnancy test.

"I fucking knew it Blue" Tae said.

It was at least 20 of them, Ari and Tae are here with me because I needed help with hair and make up for the video shoot of me and Bib's songs 'If He Find Out' and 'Gotta Have Some More'. I told Bib I only wanted to do one but he insisted on all and apparently I can't say no so here we are.

"What if it come out positive? What I'm gone do?" I said with my hand on my forehead.

"Suck it up and do what you gotta do" Ari said following me to the restroom.

We went in the restroom and Tae followed but covered his eyes at the door. I pulled my pants down and peed on the first stick, it was the Clear Blue brand. After, I wiped myself and washed my hands the test was ready, I had Ari and Tae look at it because I was scared. I could tell for the faces and how Ari said "Bitch" that it was definitely positive.

I took the test from Ari and there it was, PREGNANT. I remembered what the doctor said about me carrying... this can't be right.

I made Tae and Ari get out while I took the rest of the tests, I heard some can be faulty and I'm not taking no chances.

I made Tae go get 5 more and after taking 25 tests, all them bitches said POSITIVE or PREGNANT. I was laying on my face on the couch when Bib got home and just when I was about to tell him the news, I got nauseated and ran to the bathroom. I felt someone pull my hair out the way and rub my back as I vomited in the toilet.

"Baby you pregnant ain't you?" Bibby said softly.

"Yes..." I started to tear up. "I'm scared"

"I'll make you an appointment after the videoshoot tomorrow" He said helping me up.

"You think it'll hurt?" I asked while brushing my teeth.

"Nah, all they do is put some jelly shit on your belly. It might be cold but nah it ain't hurt." He said

I stared at him in confusion, "Wait what type of appointment are you talking about?" I asked

"Them doctors where y'all go to get y'all pussy checked on" He said.

"A gynecologist? Bib I can't go to a gynecologist. I have to get an abortion" I said.

"You not aborting my fucking baby Blue, the fuck is wrong with you?" He said angrily.

"Brandon we have to, I could die when it's time to give birth and it's going to be hard for me to carry anyways" I said starting to cry.

"Baby look what if we're supposed to have this baby, let's just go to the appointment and see what happens" He said hugging. "Now before I kiss you brush your teeth"

I laughed and playfully hit him. He went and got me crackers and waters while I finished brushing my teeth. I met him, Ari and Tae in the living room where they were already looking at baby stuff. Tae was looking at baby dresses while Ari and Bib were looking at cribs.

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