Chapter 20

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One month later...

2:25 am

I'm 36 weeks and I can't sleep, I'm not sure what's wrong the babies but they keep moving. They've been active all day, my mama said it's because they're ready to get out and that's fine come on out I'm tired of being pregnant. I had my mama sleep with me tonight because I didn't wanna be alone and then Ari and Tae joined in on the floor.

I got up to go to the bathroom when a gush of water ran down my leg, I felt like I was peeing but I wasn't.

"IT'S FUCKING GO TIME!!" I yelled. I started freaking out because I didn't know what's next. Everybody jumped out there sleep and started moving fast when they seen the water. Tae grabbed a towel to clean it up, My mom went to get my bag and get the car ready luckily we installed the car seats last night, and Ari helped me put on new pants then we were off.


We were in room 604, it was now almost 4 am. I'm 5 centimeters dilated, the contractions are terrible and they were starting to come more frequently. My mom, Ari, Tae, Kailah, and my brothers were here. My grandparents were on their way as well as Uncle Lonnie and Aunt Halle, nobody has heard from Brandon. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come. He hasn't got in contact with me since I turned him down again but that's not reason to not show up to the birth of your kids.

The contractions got more and more frequent, the pain was unbearable.

"She's now 8 centimeters dilated" The doctor said.

Brandon opened the door and honestly all my worries went away.

"Hey" He said. "How you feeling?"

"I've felt better, it really hurts but it'll be worth it" I said.

"... You know I'm sorry about everything I did to you-" I cut him off.

"Look I forgive you but our relationship strictly involves our kids or your career" I said.

He nodded and went to sit by Tae. I had one last contraction before things got scary, I remember nurses running around, the worried look on every ones faces, the pale look on my face. I saw myself laying there before the nurses took me away. Ari grabbed my mom and comforted her....

This was it, I wasn't going to see my babies faces...  

"Blue?" A familiar voice called out.

I turned around to see Kevin.

"What you doing here Blue Blue?"  He said hugging me tightly

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"What you doing here Blue Blue?"  He said hugging me tightly.

I started tearing up because I knew that I had to be dead to be here with him.

"Blue?! Oh my gosh" Bianca said running towards us.

I hugged her tightly and looked into her eyes, they calmed me.

"Why are you here Blue?" Kevin said.

"I don't know, I guess I'm dead" I said. I looked down and seen my belly was gone but I was still in my hospital gown.

"You're not supposed to be here" He said sternly.

"Kevin can you stop?" Bianca said.

"You not supposed to be here either!" Kevin yelled.

"And neither are you! But you just had to pull your pants up huh?! Was it worth it? Getting shot over showing your ass?!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"He is right though Blue, you need to be back down there with your babies" Bianca said. "You're here because your giving up, forget what the doctor said be there for them. Brandon and Bianca"

She had the biggest smile when she said their names. They pulled me into a group hug and I closed my eyes.


I jumped hard as hell and I realized I was back.

"Okay, she's stable! Look ma'am you've been gone for 2 hours, we need to these babies out now" The doctor said.

"Where's my mom? I want my mom" I said crying out.

"Someone go her mom, okay ma'am, It's time" The doctor said.

My mom and Brandon came running in the room not long after. She hugged while the doctor was yelling at how we need to get the babies.

After 6 pushes, my baby boy Brandon George was here. His cries filled the room and he was beautiful as ever, The first Brandon cut the second Brandon's umbilical cord and the nurse took him to clean him up. His eyes were adorable. Not long after, it was time to push Bianca out and surprisingly it only took 4 pushes. Now she didn't cry much and it kind of worried but the nurses reassured me she was okay. Brandon cut her umbilical cord and tears started falling out my eyes when I looked into hers, they were calm just like Bianca's.

"They're beautiful Blue" My mom said.

The nurse took Bianca and gave me Brandon. Uncle Lonnie and Aunt Halle came in just in time.

"Oh my goodness, look at the babies" Aunt Halle said giving me a hug.

The nurse handed me Bianca so I could have both and take a picture. I took one by myself and with my mom. Brandon was standing to side so I went ahead and told him to get in the picture.

Since I didn't get to have my baby shower, everybody wanted to have it now. I breastfed baby Brandon while Brandon held Bianca. My mom was opening the gifts and everything was so small and cute, even though they were practically full term they were still very small.

"Blue this is for you" Ari said sitting a flower bouquet on the bed.

"Owe, I love roses" I said looking for a card.

I found the card but it had no name.

To Blue, Sorry for yelling at you. Congratulations, We love you

Reading the card brought back my dream and I immediately started crying, Ari got Brandon and my mom comforted me. How could this be? I thought it was a dream, it had to be a dream.

I thought it was a dream...

Welcoming Brandon George Dickinson Jr

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Welcoming Brandon George Dickinson Jr. and Bianca Rose Dickinson 💙💖.

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