Chapter 9

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Flashback to the night of Kevin's death...

"Well I'm just saying had you went to the military, we would've gotten a veterinarian discount." I said looking at the receipt from the pizza we ordered.

"... You mean veteran discount?" Kevin said while still looking at the road still.

"No, you don't deal with animals in the military" I said looking at him like he was dumb.

"Holy shit, my sister's a dumb ass" He said laughing.

"Baby Blue, a veteran is in the military and veterinarian deals with animals. I told mama to put you in a better high school." He continued.

We were laughing until we heard sirens coming up, Kevin pulled over and my heart started racing.

"Put your hands where the cop can see them, be quiet and don't move" Kevin told me while keeping his hands on the steering wheel.

I put my hands on the dashboard and did not move a muscle.

"Let your window down sir" the cop said tapping the window.

Kevin followed his orders...

"How may I help you officer?" Kevin said putting his hands back on the steering wheel.

"You have a tail light out buddy, license and registration and step out the car." The cop said walking back to his car.

Kevin stepped out of the car and told me everything was going to be okay.

I kept my eyes on Kevin the whole time, I was so scared that I was shaking.

The officer was still at his car when Kev went to pull up his pants. The officer looked up and started yelling, "PUT THE WEAPON DOWN!!!!".

3 shots fired off and I seen Kevin's body fall to the ground...

I got out car and ran to where Kevin's body was with tears pouring down my face. The officer ran over to Kevin and checking for a weapon.

"What are you doing?! What did you do?!" I yelled with tears still failing from my face.

"There's no weapon..." The officer whispered starting to panic.

"NO! HE WAS PULLING HIS PANTS UP!" I yelled trying to get Kevin to get up but when I studied his face I noticed he wasn't breathing.

The officer stared at me having a panic attack. There was so much blood I couldn't handle it, he grabbed me roughly and hand cuffed me practically throwing me in his car. He got on his walkie talkie and told them to send an ambulance to where Kevin was.

He started to drive off, leaving Kevin's body there lifeless.

" Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"The station."


We got to the station and I started to have another panic attack. The lady detective sat down next to me giving me some water and trying to calm me down.

"It's okay honey tell me what happened" She said rubbing me on my back.

I took a drink of my water and started to take deep breaths. "Me and Kevin were on our way home from the pizza place when we got pulled over by the cop."

A guy came into the room with a notebook and sat across from us.

"Was he a drug dealer?" The guy asked me.

What did that have to do with anything. My brother was just murdered by a fucking cop for pulling his pants up and they were worried about if he was a drug dealer? Are you fucking kidding me?

"No, he wasn't into that kind of stuff" I replied.

"Where did you meet this guy? Is he your pimp? Were you prostituting?" He asked.

I started getting upset because it seemed to be them more worried about what Kevin had going in his life than the damn cop shooting him 3 times for nothing.

"I met him the day I was born! He's my brother and I'm 17 years old, too young to prostitute" I said with an attitude.

"Lose the attitude and with that body you could do a lot" He said.

I stared in shock at his comment and I looked at the lady to say something but she looked like she agreed with him. I called my parents number 5 times but no answer, I tried to call my siblings but no answer. One of the officers said that if nobody came and got me after 30 minutes I would have to sleep in one of the cells.

They decided to interview me some more until somebody showed up for me but nobody ever did. After while they let me into a empty and cold cell. Even though I didn't really get arrested in felt like it. I laid down on the cold bench and fell asleep


This bench is uncomfortable. I'm cold. I'm hungry. I want my mommy. Tears started to form in my eyes until I was interrupted.

"Nobody ever called in for you, So I'm going to take you home." This cop said leading me through the chaos.

I'm guessing my family didn't find out what happened last night. I was really hurt nobody bothered to come look for me or even answer their phone. The cop was really nice, we stopped for donuts and he let me ride in the front seat instead of the back. He was about 6 feet, really buff, light skin and he had freckles. His voice was really calming.

"I heard what happened yesterday and actually my wife is on your case, I'm not supposed to do this but tell me exactly what happened so I can do everything in my power to help you out

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"I heard what happened yesterday and actually my wife is on your case, I'm not supposed to do this but tell me exactly what happened so I can do everything in my power to help you out. I don't know much about you but I can tell your brother was the only one who cared about you" He said while looking at the road.

"Well me and Kevin were on our way home from picking up pizza, we were at stop light and when we started to pull off the cop pulled us over."

I decided to take a deep breath before speaking again.

"Kevin told me not to move and to put my hands where the officer could see them. The officer asked for his license and registration when Kevin gave it to the cop, the cop asked him to step out the car and I kept my eyes on Kevin. I saw Kevin reach to pull up his pants then I heard three gunshots and then I saw Kevin fall to the ground." I said while playing with fingers.

"Well I can't really interfere with the case but I will be there for you, I'll help get you the best lawyer because this is most definitely going to trial." He said as we pulled up my house.

I really hate that I'm back here...

"Here's my number, call me whenever you need" He said.

I took the paper with his number on it and slowly walked up to my front door. I forgot to ask his name but it was too late because he was gone, it was okay though because he wrote it on the paper. I heard God puts people in your life that you need and I think because Kevin is gone that's why he gave me Uncle Lonnie.

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