Chapter 4

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2 months later...

Me and Bibby have been talking a while and we're getting pretty close. It's a little hard with him being a rapper and always being on the go, he left to go to LA 3 weeks ago and he really wanted me to go with him but with school that wasn't going to happen and he understands that school is very important to me but anyways he'll be back this week and I'm excited because he'll meet my best friend, Kailah.

After we graduated, Kailah went to the air force for nursing and after a year she was finally back. We've been best friends since middle school and she became the sister I always wanted since Bianca was a crazy bitch sometimes. As best friends we did have our hard times but they did nothing but make us stronger. Kailah was the same height as me which is 5'1, she was a caramel color and mixed with Mexican and Indian, she had the deepest dimples and the cutest smile. I couldn't wait to see her, it's been so long. I just sat on my bed and thought of how far we came as I looked at her picture on my dresser.

 I just sat on my bed and thought of how far we came as I looked at her picture on my dresser

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It was one of her senior pictures and I fell in love with it.

Kailah doesn't know that her boyfriend of 2 years, David is planning to propose tonight so it's my job to keep her busy til dinner. She thinks she's just meeting Bibby tonight but that's not all that's happening.

I was watching charmed and then I heard the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway, I got up to go see who it was and surprisingly it was Kailah in her all black jeep. Before she could even get out of the car I grabbed her into a full hug and kissed her cheeks a thousand times.

"Okay okay get off me hoe" She said pushing me off. We both laughed as I helped her with her luggage and took it up to my room. She didn't feel like getting a room and my room was big enough for the both of us.

"So whats the plan for today?" Kailah asked.

"Um first we get something to eat because I'm starving, then go outfit shopping for dinner tonight, and then get our nails and feet done" I replied.

"Bet, Let me go take a shower I feel dirty" She said getting some casual clothes.

Once Kailah got dressed we got in the car and drove to a near by chicken place to grab something to eat and we were off to mall. I specifically wanted to go to 'Top 2' because there was the cutest off the shoulder lace black top that I've been having my eye on for a minute. Kailah had her eye on an off the shoulder fitted dress. After we tried the dresses on we decided that we didn't need a thousandth pair of shoes even though I really wanted a pair. We paid for our clothes and headed to nail spa in the mall.

Kailah and I both decided to get our feet done first and then our nails so we decided to catch up while the nail techs set everything up.

"So when the last time you talked to David?" I asked Kailah.

"Girl fuck him, I haven't spoke to him in 2 weeks and when I went to his social media, he's been all over that promoting shit. How the fuck you gone promote shit but not text your girl?" She said rolling her eyes.

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