Chapter 18

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2 days later...

So it's been at least 48 hours since the cheating scandal and I haven't told social media about it. Brandon been texting the fuck out of me saying he done with her and bullshit like that but I know he lying because the fans put two and two together and they sent me a picture that she posted.

 Brandon been texting the fuck out of me saying he done with her and bullshit like that but I know he lying because the fans put two and two together and they sent me a picture that she posted

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Like baby why you trying to hide his face? You ain't have no problem fucking him... show your inner hoe, everybody gone find out sooner than later.


Anyways, I'm on my way to view one apartment with my mom, I decided to cancel the baby shower because it was honestly too much stress and last night I felt the babies turn face down so that means if getting ready to be go time. We got to the place and I seen the agent.

"Hi! I'm Ms. Carter, looking to view to the apartment" I said shaking her hand.

"Hi! I'm Mrs. Cobbs, Are you ready?" She asked us.

We nodded and proceeded to this apartment that seemed big on the outside but it was very small, I'm a very spacious person. I like my space.

"I don't really like how small this is, I'm getting ready to have 2 babies and it's going to be a lot of people over and I can just tell I'll get irritated by how crowded it'll be" I said as I waddled around.

"Okay, so because you really just helped me out by saying that we can skip to the third apartment, this second one is upstairs so I know that one is out the picture but this third one is very spacious, 4 bedrooms and 3 baths" She said. "Follow me, its only 10 minutes away"

We got in the car and drove 10 minutes to the new place and honestly this was nicer, it seemed brighter and I think I love it. We got out the car and followed Mrs. Cobbs to the apartment door, when she opened the door it was beautiful there was so much space, it had great lighting, I could see little feet running around here already.

"I love it!" I said.

"I love it too" My mom said.

"Well come over here, let's fill out this paper work and these keys are yours" Mrs. Cobbs said.

I filled out everything I needed and I soon had the keys to my new place. I ordered furniture this morning so it should be here in a couple days. I decided to treat my mom to tacos since I was craving them.


We were in the middle of eating our tacos until I got a call from Brandon.


Hey, why haven't I heard from you?

What you mean? I sent you a text last week with everything you need to do before the babies come.

Blue don't play with me, why ain't come home?

Ha! Don't play with you? Brandon don't be dumb. You know why I haven't been at your house in 2 days and as far as I'm concerned, I'm none of your business. So let's get this settled right now, Don't call me unless it's about a interview, a tour, a photoshoot, a concert, or your fucking kids.

I hung up in his face and I honestly felt good. I did all of this for his ungrateful ass and he betrayed me but I'm happy he did before I married him now the only thing tying us together are the babies and I rather that than a wedding ring.

I don't regret meeting him, I don't regret being with him and I definitely don't regret being pregnant by him. I get to bring life into this world even if it means losing mine...

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