Chapter 17

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A week later...

I feel like I'm getting bigger and bigger by the day instead of week.

Bib's still in Atlanta which sucks because I miss him and since he's been so busy, we haven't had time to talk. Me and my mom are out shopping for the famous hospital bag, Dr. Brown said I need start moving like tomorrows my due date because it could be and who other to do this type of thing with than my mother who has had 5 kids.

I swear she's like the pregnancy guru, anything I have a question about she has an answer too.

"You get that pump I told you to get?" My mom asked.

"Yes ma'am" I said looking at robes.

"Be on the look out for adult diapers and nipple cream but not just any nipple cream, Angel's nipple cream. It's great on the nipples" She said.

"I found some adult diapers and the fuck is nipple cream?" I said.

"You need a nursing bra?" She asked ignoring what I said.

"A nursing bra?" I asked.

"Jesus, Blue did you read anything?" She said.

"I read a little bit, I got sleepy" I said making a pouty face.

"When we get home we're watching birthing videos too, It helped me when I was pregnant" She said picking up nipple cream.

"I'm pretty sure that's what I'm not supposed to do" I said grabbing some socks.

"Come on penguin, we got to get to Ari's" She said.

I waddled up to check out and we paid for the stuff. We got in the car and drove home.

When we pulled in the driveway I seen Bib's car and another car that I've never seen before.

"I thought Brandon wasn't coming home?" My mom asked.

"That's what I thought" I said parking the car and getting out to get some of the bags.

"Well hurry up, I'm staying in." She said.

I unlocked the door and there were clothes on the floor, cups on the table and liquor bottles in the kitchen.

"Baby? You home?" I said walking towards my bedroom.

Once I stood still I could hear noises, noises like banging and grunting, my body was frozen so all I could do was hear the noises. The only thing that stood between me and the noises was the door, I didn't want to go in but the noises got louder and louder...

I opened the door and I seen underwear, I looked up some more towards the bed and I seen Brandon and Cydney. I'm pretty sure I felt my heart break, I thought if I would ever catch something like this I would be fighting but I had no fight in me... at all.

"Really Brandon?" I said causing them to both jump. "Our house? Cydney really?"

"Baby it's not what you think" Brandon said putting on his underwear.

Now I'm raging...

"So it's not you fucking my old assistant in our home? Cydney what the fuck?! I should whoop your ass for being a snake ass bitch but unfortunately I'm pregnant by the snake ass nigga you fucking! This why you quit, you couldn't stand looking me in my face while you were fucking my man behind my back?" I yelled. "Take this fucking ring!" I threw my ring at Bib, it meant nothing anymore.

"Well I guess, he's mine now huh?" Cydney said.

"I guess so, congrats on your snake ass relationship you puffer face ass bitch" I said walking out.

"Baby look I'm sorry, we can work this out" Brandon said grabbing my arm.

"I got you a lawyer so you could get out of your situation with your label, I switched to online college so I could be an available manager for you, I also decided to keep the babies that you put in me even though I could die, FOR YOU!!!! and you cheat?... I'm done" I said walking off and getting in the car.

My mom was trying to figure out why I was crying and why I didn't have my engagement ring on but I just ignored her and turned the music up til we got to Ari's.

It's one thing to cheat but to cheat on your very much pregnant fiance with her old assistant is the ultimate betrayal.


"So you walked in and he was fucking Cydney?" Ari said rubbing my back.

"I knew it was something about that rat" My mom said.

"So what you gone do now Blue Blue?" Tae asked.

"Tomorrow, you and Ari gone get my clothes and shit, I'll start looking for an apartment" I said. "He's a real dumb ass, I see his money before he does, I book his studio times, I plan when he goes to an interview or photo shoot, I do everything and I could easily fuck everything up but I'm not"

"And you shouldn't, I'll call Lonnie and see if you can stop being his manager" My mom said getting up to get her grab her phone.

"I'm in a contract mama, a 2 year contract. It doesn't matter what lawyer I get I'm stuck and there's no point in trying to avoid him, I'm having his kids." I said.

"You gone go back to him aren't you?" My mama asked.

"Huh?" I said.

"You going back to him?! I know you are because you're weak! You can easily get away from that boy but you want him so bad that you gone stay!" She yelled at me.

"Okay Blue, come on. We gone take you to the back room" Tae said helping me up.

"No! She needs to hear this!" My mom yelled while Tae was taking to the room.

He helped me get in the bed of my old room. I could hear Ari and my mama going back and forth. I don't know what was wrong with my mama but I didn't feel like hearing any negative shit, she doesn't understand the business part of things and I can't take him away from his kids. I can't make a child like decisions because he cheated, I'm not in high school anymore, I'm about to be a mother of 2 and now I have to start all over with a new place to stay and a new car. I'm definitely not keeping the Lincoln.

I started planning how long I needed to be in my new place and how much everything would be, I had about 50,000 dollars in my checking account and about 70,000 dollars in my savings. I'd hate to have to take out of my savings but I had to do what had to be done for my babies. I started looking for apartments for rent, I at least want to get that out the way before I give the car back, I had found 3 apartments that were big enough for me, my mom and the babies. I know she literally just talked bad about me but where is she going to go, she's not working and she let go of the house plus she's my mom.

I set up appointments or showings within apartments, I then realized that me and Brandon have joined account with a million in it and half was mine so I went into it and took my portion out, I heard a knock on my door. It was my mom.

"Hey can we talk?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said patting a spot on the bed for her sit.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that especially after everything you've found out" She said rubbing my hands.

"It's okay mama, I know you want what's best for me but mama I'm close to be being 20. I have to make grown up decisions and I have to do them by myself." I said.

"You've always been independent, even when you were smaller. You never needed me, you never needed anybody" She said tearing up.

"That's not true mommy. I needed you when Kevin died and I needed you when Ace did what he did to me but you weren't there. Now I need you and I'm giving you the chance to be there" I said wiping the tear from her eye.

We hugged, Ari and Tae brought in ice cream. We laughed, talked, and cried an at that moment, I forgot all about what Brandon did...

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