Chapter 2

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One week later...

So I passed my math test with a 95 and I'm actually proud of myself. I never really thought of myself to be "smart" but my grades always said otherwise I mostly doubted myself and overthought a lot of things which I guess sort of pushed me to do good in school. My parents never really believed in going college even though my mom sort of did school for nursing. I started saving up for college every since 7th grade, my mom would give me $20 every day for lunch and I just would put it in my piggy bank and my best friend, Kailah would just share lunch with me. Once I got to high school I decided to work at a retail store named "Top 2" and I've been working there until a few months ago and through all that saving I still didn't have enough.


I was scrolling through Netflix trying to find a new series to watch and then I got a Facetime call from Ari.

"Yesssssssss" I said still looking on Netflix.

"Blue Blue, How you doing baby?" she said excitedly.

Ari ain't ever greeted me on the phone like this so I knew some was up. "I'm good" I said laughing a little.

"So Herb's friend was here when you came over last week and me and Herb want to set y'all up like on a blind date type shit" She said sounding all cheerful and shit.

Now Ari KNOWS I don't have patience for that type of shit. "I'm not going on no date with a nigga I don't know, that's weird and that's that" I said to her sternly.

"How about me and Herb go with y'all, like a double blind date?" I looked at her through the phone.

"When?" I said sounding slightly interested.

"Tomorrow night at 9 at our favorite restaurant" She said smiling and hanging up before I could change my mind.

I shrugged it off and continued through Netflix.


Today's the day for this double blind whatever, I decided to head to the mall and get a new dress and new heels. I have a serious problem buying new things but I work hard so I deserve this. I went into this new store they added like 2 weeks ago called "Windsor", I was looking for something sexy but not too sexy because what if he's ugly.

I felt like I searched the whole damn store before I found THE ONE. It was tight fitted, almost knee length, it was also cut from the side and you could see some boob, but it was perfect and after squeezing my ass in the dress, I fell in love. All I had to do was shop around this store and find me some heels, which it didn't really take me long once I saw nude, I love nude. After I tried the shoes on and walked around in them for a bit I was on my way home. I also added a red purse for a color pop.


I was pulling in the drive way when I seen my dad was home, all of sudden I felt queasy. Daughters are supposed to feel safe around dads but I never felt safe especially when my mom or siblings weren't home. I really dreaded going inside but I knew I had to.

"HEY BUTTERCUP!" my dad yelled as I walked. "What's in the bags?" He continued. "Just a dress and some new shoes" I said not making eye contact and trying to walk fast up the stairs. "Woah Hold up lil bit, Why you walking so fast baby?" Ace said giving me a sexual grin. I just continued upstairs, "I have somewhere to be tonight and I'm a little behind".

I did my hygiene and I just wore my hair out, I came out my bathroom to Ace sitting on my bed looking at my naked body, "GET OUT!" I screamed as I grabbed my towel. He laughed, got up and left. I continued getting ready, there was no point telling my father he was drunk and didn't really care for me anyways.


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Once I got through the cat calling from my dad and his perverted friends I jumped in car and headed to the restaurant. Once I got to the restaurant I could see Ari, Herb and another person standing in the front. "Where the fuck you been?!" Ari and Herb both yelled at me. "I had a little situation, I'm sorry" I said. "Well Blue, This is Brandon, Brandon this is Blue" Ari said. I was then greeted by a tall light skin with a deep ass voice. "Hi, How you doing?" He said with the most perfect smile.

Once we got in our hellos, we all went to our table and started chopping it up. I found out he was rapper that goes by the name 'Lil Bibby', the more I thought about it the more I realized he was on 'Tired' with Herb and that was favorite song. I honestly couldn't wait to get home to listen his music. Once we got done with our entrees the waiter came back and asked us if we wanted dessert but we were all too full. Bibby decided to be a gentleman and pay for my dinner even though I didn't want him to and Herb didn't really have a choice, we all left a tip and we were on our way. Me and Bibby stopped out in front of my car, "We should do this again without them two of course" He said causing me to laugh. I gave him my number and told him the days I was available. After, I said my goodbyes to everybody and drove home.

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