Chapter 16

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2 months later...

I'm 24 weeks, thank god only 17 more to go! My babies are currently the size of a papaya which means I'm huge and not just my belly either, apparently twins make you thick 2 times thicker, which means I have to hit the gym 2 times harder after this birth.

So I'm planning a baby shower since my doctor said these babies could come next month, I'm praying they don't but it is a possibly and I have to accept that. Oh my gosh, I forgot... The nursery is up and it is truly adorable. Yes, we're going with the names Brandon and Bianca. I really don't fuck with Jr. thing but Bib really wanted it so why not?

Kailah went back to the Air Force for a while because they needed her. My mom was back in Louisiana spending time with family and Bib was in Atlanta but you know where Ari and Tae are? Right fucking here where they always are. I know I can count on them to not leave me.

We are currently shopping for clothes and decorations for the baby shower. I bought a long off the shoulder dress, it's white since they didn't have pink and blue.

"So Blue how you feeling?" Tae asked.

"I feel good, I didn't think I'd be pregnant at 19 but here we are" I said looking at baby stuff.

"Girl, you fixing to be 20" Ari said. Ari was right my birthday was coming up close but not too close I still had some months.

"And it's not like you be by yourself you got me, Ari, your mom, Bib and Kailah" Tae said.

"Bibby mama said she'd even want to be around more to help if yours couldn't" Ari said.

"That'll be nice, we should go get her. She didn't get to help with the gender reveal so we should let her help with the shower" I said.

"Bib gone be okay with that?" Tae asked.

"Why wouldn't he be? It's her grand-kids" I said pulling out my phone to text her.

Me: Hey, I'm out shopping for the babies. Would you like to come?

Mother In Law💛: Of course! I'm getting ready now.

I told Ari and Tae that Mama Kathy wanted to come so we came out the store and walked to the car. We drove about 45 minutes to where she was, I texted her and told her we were outside and she came right on out.

The drive back to the store was a typical drive back, Ari and Tae bickering but it's hilarious so I let them do it.

We got to buybuy Baby and Mama Kathy immediately went to the newborn section, I did too.

"Oh Blue this is adorable" Mama Kathy said holding up a yellow footie with a duck face on the booty. "I can't wait to hold them"

"That is cute" I said.

"You gone put headbands on Bianca?" Ari asked.

"Huh?" I said confused.

"The baby... Bianca" Ari said.

"Oh yeah, yeah I am. Sorry, It's gonna take me a while to get used to calling her Bianca. I haven't said it out loud since we found the gender." I said holding some small booties.

Everything we looked at was premature since the babies would mostly likely be premature. Looking at everything was making me happy but sad as well. It was a bittersweet moment...

"You wanna visit the cemetery after this? It's not far from here" Tae asked.

"No, I'm fine plus I'm sure Mama Kathy would want to go home" I said.

"No baby I'm okay, I love spending time with y'all no matter where we go" She said pulling me into a hug.

We continued to shop and honestly buy every cute thing we could. They were getting clothes and unnecessary shit, while I was being responsible and getting stuff like diapers, pumps, wipe warmers, bottle warmers, you know shit I'll need. Why buy clothes when were having a baby shower, now I have bought clothes but these niggas is buying stuff that Braxton and Bianca might not ever get to wear.

"These babies gone be so cute!" Tae said. "I can't wait to see their eye color"

"Well duh, I'm cute" I said making everybody laugh.

"They daddy not cute?" Ari asked.

"I mean.... he ight. Nah I'm just playing that man is fine!" I said making everybody harder.

Once we were done shopping, we went to checkout. I paid for my stuff and had a worker help me put in my car, which was Bib's early push present to me, a white 2018 Lincoln Navigator, I've always wanted one and he got it just for me being pregnant.

 I paid for my stuff and had a worker help me put in my car, which was Bib's early push present to me, a white 2018 Lincoln Navigator, I've always wanted one and he got it just for me being pregnant

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Once everything was in the car, we drove about 15 minutes to the cemetery.

We started walking to where Kevin and Bianca were. My mom had them buried by each other, she believes if two people are buried next together that it'll be easier for them to find each other in heaven. I hope they have found each other. All I could ever do was imagine how they felt in their last final hours, the fact Bianca died right here with Kevin is scary. I looked at the gravestone and started to read from a letter I wrote when I found out I was pregnant.

 I looked at the gravestone and started to read from a letter I wrote when I found out I was pregnant

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"Dear Kevin and Bianca,I am currently carrying a baby right now and I'm scared

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"Dear Kevin and Bianca,
I am currently carrying a baby right now and I'm scared. I know I have you two to watch over me. This pregnancy is fatal and I might not make it through the birth, which there is a high chance that I will be with you at the end of this pregnancy. It's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and what happened to you, Bianca we still don't know who did it but we will catch them and Kevin we will get the justice that you deserve. I love you and I wish you were here. Love, Blue"

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