Chapter 13

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Next day...

I'M HOME BITCHESS! It was now 11 am in Dallas, Texas. I was lit, I missed home. I'm so happy Kailah decided to have her wedding here.

We were in the hotel unpacking and waiting for Kailah to tell us what the next move was. Bibby decided to get some rest. My mom, Ari and Tae shared a room next door to ours. I went next door to see what they were up to.

"Ari always trying to fight me" Tae said playing hurt.

"Ariiiii, you're not supposed to fight your friends" My mom said laughing a bit

"Auntie don't listen to him, he a pussy" Ari said throwing a pillow at Tae.

I sat down next to my mom who was now rubbing my arm and laughing at Ari and Tae's shenanigans.

"You okay baby? How you feeling?" She asked me

"I'm always tired and when I'm not tired I'm hungry, this pregnancy shit is no joke" I said laughing a little.

"Oh I know and with twins its even harder" My mom said. "You and Karson were my hardest pregnancy. I believe y'all was fighting even in the womb, especially when I was 8 months"

"You think they'll come early too?" I asked with a worried look

"They most likely will but it'll be okay, stop worrying so much it's not good for the babies" She said.

"Have you thought about any names?" Ari asked

"Yes. If its two girls, Bianca and Brooklyn. If it's two boys, Braxton and Brandon. If its a boy and girl, Brandon and Bianca" I said

"You know Kailah gone be mad, she want you to name the girl Kyla Marie" Tae said

"We already talked about it and I told her how much it meant to me naming the girl Bianca Rose" I said.

Ari started talking about how we were going to do the gender reveal, what I was going to wear and all that. I heard my phone and went back to my room to answer it. It was Kailah... Finally I'm starving.

"Heeeey! Where y'all at?" She asked

"The hotel, waiting on you to tell us the play. I'm hungry and you torturing me!" I yelled

"Okay okay chill pregnant lady-"

"PREGNANT!? Oh no you didn't when I see you I'm fucking you up, How dare you talk to me like that" I literally started crying for no reason.

"Blue calm down, Meet us at chili's" She said hanging up.

I looked at the phone and turned around to my mom, Tae, and Ari chuckling at me.

"It's not funny" I said grabbing my purse.

I had on a white long sleeve Tommy Hilfiger shirt with light blue skinny jeans and my red low top vans and my hair in a messy bun.

"Can y'all be quiet?!" Bibby said putting a pillow over his face.

"Shut up!" I said before walking out.

We drove to Chili's where we met David and Kailah, they already had us a table with drinks ready so we just went straight to the table.

"Hey!" I said hugging Kailah and David.

We all sat down and looked over menu, David got up to go the restroom real quick.

"Bitch!" Kailah said looking at me after David was gone.

"What?" I asked taking a sip of my drink

"Shayaa called me last night" She said, I damn near spit out my drink.

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