Chapter 6

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One month later...

It's been a whole month since the incident and I'm still having nightmares. It's not bad until I'm alone in my room so some nights Ari sleeps with me and some nights Bibby sleeps with me.

I haven't talked to my parents or my siblings since that day and it honestly hurts me that they didn't check up on me but it's fine.


Today I was finishing up my 5 page essay for my Economics class until I got a call from my boo 😏.

"Wassup baby, what you doing?" Bibby asked.

"Finishing my essay I sent out a text to everybody not to call or text at this exact time" I said.

"You know I don't follow rules but I miss you, lets go out to eat" He said.

"After I finish this essay I'm all yours" I replied.

"Bet I like the sound of that" He said before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Me and Brandon have together a couple weeks now. He's been really supportive and I like that about him. He also knew how serious about college I was and didn't try to be a distraction.

I was printing out my essay when I got a text from Bianca.

"I'm sorry sister. I should've paid attention. I love you so much"

Seeing that made me happy I thought she'd never text me.

"It's okay. I love you too"

I put everything in my bag and got in my car. I texted my Bibby and told him I didn't want to go anywhere expensive, he was always trying to take me out to fancy restaurants when we could get more for half the price.


I pulled up in the driveway to see Brandon and Herb standing outside laughing about something. I turned off my car, grabbing my bag and got out.

"Let me go put my stuff up and then we can go." I said to Bibby.

"You not changing?" He asked.

"No, I don't need to get fancy for McDonald's." I replied.

I ran upstairs to my room to put my bag down.

"You going somewhere?" Ari said holding Yosohn.

"Yeah, Me and Bibby going to McDonald's. Why?" I said playing with Yosohn's feet.

"I need a baby sitter and everyone busy" She said.

"That's cool. We'll take him" I said grabbing Yosohn and his stuff.

"Thank you" Ari said as I was walking out the front door.

I put Yoshon's stuff in Bibby's car.

"Come on Cousin Bibby! We on baby duty!" I said locking Yoshon down and getting the car.

Bibby laughed while getting into the car and we drove off. The whole time I was staring at Yosohn through the rear view mirror to make sure he was okay. I haven't really babysat a baby baby in 3 years. My nephew, Karter, is my brother Kevin's son. His girlfriend was 5 months pregnant when Kevin died.

"Have you ever had experience with a baby?" Bibby asked me.

"Yeah, my nephew. He's 2 now though" I replied.

"I got a nephew too, maybe we could take them out somewhere" Bibby said.

"Sure, Karter loves the aquarium" I said.

Bibby laughed.

"Yeah, "HE" loves the aquarium" He continued.

"Okay okay I love the aquarium but he will too" I said laughing.

We decided to go through the drivethru because Yosohn was sleep and I did not want to wake him up. We parked in the McDonald's parking lot and ate our food.

" Our whole meal was 15.75 and you had 75 cents" Bibby said.

" I always keep loose change and I'm quick to use it" I said stuffing fries in my mouth.

"You know I really like you" Bibby said staring at me.

"I really like you too" I replied.

"I'm happy we made it official" he continued.

"I'm happy we did too" I said laughing in between my words.

Bibby drove us back to Ari's house and I seen that Tae was over.

"Go drop the baby off and come home with me" Bibby said.

I opened the front door to Tae laying on the couch watching tv. I gave now energetic Yosohn to Tae, went up grabbed some things for hygiene, some sleep clothes, some clothes for in the morning and my school bag.

I didn't have class tomorrow but I could still study, if Bib let's me...

"Where you going?" Tae asked rocking Yosohn.

"I'm staying the night with Bibby" I said walking out the door.

"Don't get pregnant!" Tae yelled after me.

I put my stuff in the car and we pulled off.


Once we got to Bibby's house he took my things upstairs to his room except for my school bag. I opened my laptop to start studying for my Finance test which I didn't really need to study for, I've studied over a thousand but I had to be sure just in case.

"Oh no no no, put that up girl" Bibby said.

"Why? I need to study for this Bib" I said with attitude.

"First off lose the attitude. You done studied for this damn test over million times you need to relax." He said handing me a glass of wine.

"I don't drink" I said.

"Well tonight you do" he said.

I took a sip of the wine only to find out it was grape juice.

"Really nigga?" I said with an annoyed look.

" You maybe legal to date but you not legal to drink, come here" he said pulling me on his lap.

We gazed into each others eyes before he leaned to kiss me. This was the first time we've ever really kissed. The more we kissed the more intense it got, he started to kiss down neck causing chills down the spine. He got on top of me while kissing me on my breasts, he started to take off my pants until I stopped him.

"I think we should stop" I said.

"Why baby? What's wrong?" He said seeming concerned.

" I'm just not ready" I replied.

He nodded his head and adjusted my pants for me. I laid on his chest and not long after we were both knocked out.

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