- two : anatomy catastrophes -

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Cassie Monday morning, I found myself somehow simultaneously nearly being late for school

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Monday morning, I found myself somehow simultaneously nearly being late for school.

Now this happens all the damn time.

One minute, at least five-thirty in the morning, I find myself rolling over in bed, hearing my alarm clock, and pressing silence. Then what do I do, you ask?

Well, I think, five more minutes wouldn't hurt would it? And go back to sleep.

And as stated before, somehow, five minutes turns into ten minutes, and ten minutes turn into...an hour.

Waking up at six-thirty once again, I come to react the same way as every other time I'm left.

I let out the longest line of curse words (words I say in pure course of panic) I've ever released, and run to my closet, and throw on the first thing I see.

I end of wearing a the Vampire Diaries shirt (Damon and Elena forever!) and a pair of ripped black jeans, along with black converses. Tossing my hair up in a messy ponytail as I grab my keys and backpack, I have nearly no time at all to say goodbye to my parents and little sister.

Which is maybe a good thing, because their always scowling me for being late.

But hey, a girl gets caught up in her reading a millionth time and that's a bad thing? God, my parents are always like "Cassie, be more educational!" and the minute I am, I get lectured about it! Like come on humanity!

Climbing in my car and starting it is always the worst part. As a girl who just turned seventeen and got her license literally a month ago, driving was my worst nightmare.

I was literally thinking of every awful situation that would cause me to get into a wreck before I began driving. I hated driving with a burning passion, but I knew there was no absolute way in hell I'd get better unless I practiced.

Grasping the steering wheel with all my strength, I closed my eyes and whispered to myself, "You got this, Cassie. Five measly minutes to drive to the school isn't that bad."

Call me crazy, but we all have our fears.

So taking my own advice, I successfully pulled out of my driveway (well I wouldn't call it successful exactly, because I nearly backed up into my mailbox) and began my journey on the road.

Praying with every small meter I took on the way, too.


Running into my high school (Portland High School) at full speed and ignoring all the teachers who had an objection to my running, I literally sat down the very second the bell rung.

Anatomy was my very first period, and the exact period all of the Stray Kids clique was in. Which meant, Felix. Felix every single damn day.

Luckily, my best friend Alina was in the class, and I waved at her and offered her a smile that screamed, I'm not late! She laughed silently.

The rest of our personal friend group of awesome girl power was sadly spread out all throughout the school, so me and Alina were left here.

I was then reminded of his compliment Saturday night, and his words echoed in my head on repeat. "You look beautiful today."

From behind me a few rows down, I heard a snicker, and I rolled my eyes and knew exactly who it was.

I heard his voice almost automatically. His voice was faint, but still. "Looks like someone is having a bad hair day."

It took every fiber of my being to keep from turning around and throwing a book at Felix's head. Still, I self-consciously redid my hair so it was instead in a easy Dutch braid. Now it wasn't messy at all. Take that, Felix!

I then heard the whisper of Changbin (a personal friend of mine as well!) and he responded to Felix, his lab partner with, "You were saying? Don't you love when she wears her hair in braids? That's what you said in text yesterday."

My cheeks heated immediately, and Felix finally shut up after he said in a embarrassed tone, "Shut up, idiot!"

I smirked as our Anatomy teacher, Mr. Pearings walked in and the classroom filled with a aura of immediate quietness and the readiness to learn.

"Good morning class. I hope you all are awake and ready to learn." Mr. Pearings eyes immediately went to the back of the class, and everyone followed his gaze so they landed on a sleeping Lee Minho.

Out of no where, Mr. Pearings shouted, "Mr. Lee Minho!" Even I jumped.

Minho jumped up in his seat, looked around, and Hyunjin snickered along with the rest of the Stray Kids clique.

Slapping the back of Hyunjin's head, Minho looked at our teacher with a apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry, sir. Up all night studying, after all."

Mr. Pearings's eyebrow shot up, and he said automatically, "Perfect. Then, Mr. Lee, you should be able to answer every question I throw at you today." Everyone burst out laughing, and Minho muttered something that sounded like,

"Fuck my life." I laughed, and for a second, Felix's dark eyes caught mine. Smirking, he broke the moment of staring, and I faced the board.

"Now that we're all awake and ready to learn, we are approaching the middle of the year, which means exactly what you believe it means." Mr. Pearings said with controlled excitement.

Eyes perking up, Chan asked aloud from the back, "Christmas break?" Face palming myself, I listened to my teacher as he corrected,

"Nice guess, Mr. Bang. But other than that, it also means out gianormous anatomy experiment that could help you greatly with your marks for next semester."

Everyone, along with me, ended up groaning for a prolonged period.

The big anatomy experiment was top notch. It was a chance to bring up (or bring down) your grades in a instant.

You were paired up with someone (who actually wasn't your partner, which my partner Corbyn wasn't here today anyways), you weren't familiar working with, and had to work together to get the grade. And the big problem was, we were dissecting and studying a random organism they threw at us.

Needless to say, I hated the mere idea of a surprise experiment.

Quieting us, Mr. Pearings said, "Our experiment will be next Monday, which gives you all of this week and the weekend to prepare yourselves. Any questions?"

Alina automatically raised her hand while running a hand through her gorgeous blonde hair. Mr. Pearings nodded at her, signaling for her to ask away.

"When will we find out our lab partner?" His answer was earlier than I expected.

"This Wednesday." Two more days. Huh, interesting.

There was only one wish I had in this entire situation.

Please, please, please, don't give me Felix as my lab partner.

We'll see if the odds were in my favor next Wednesday.

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